Employer's Notice


Registered Users (C)

Recently I switched my Employer and my current employer was the client I used to consult for.When I joined my previous employer I signed an offer letter which mentioned that I should not join the client.

It is the offer letter only where I signed.Also the Client(I used to work for) is a third party to my previous employer, not a direct client.

Today my previous employer sent a notice saying that I should terminate my job and send a notice of termination or pay the amount as mentioned in the offer letter.

I would like to know if my previous employer can harm me legally.

Thanks in Advance!
your former employer can do nothing

this is very common situation. your employer can not prove that you joined 3rd party since he dont have direct contract with ur new employer. even if they do, they can do nothing except sending notices to threaten you. ignore notices from your employer. you need to worry if you recv them from court.

Thanks for the response!

am sorry if I didn't explain it well, actually the notice came from an attorney who said, he represented my previous employer in the notice.

I have notified my current employer also to the company who was in between my current employer and previous employer.am not sure if I should send a notice or just ignore,becoz it was a legal document it was only an offer letter I signed with them.

Will they able to do anything with that, it still amazes me....please let me know if I should ignore this letter or respond them.

thanks in advance!!
talk to some legal expert. i would say you dont need to worry too much about it since your former employer dont have direct contract with your new employer. i would ignore the attorney notice. It does cost $50 to your employer to send such notice. so ignore it or talk to some legal expert if you are too scared. i would not worry about it until i get some thing from COURT.

did you have any problems with your former employer like not paying you in bench etc ? did you pay fee for H1B etc ? think about any wrong doings by ur employer and go against them by complaining to DOL.

Some two years ago, I read about a similar case going to court. One guy joined Oracle (or was it Cisco?) after ditching his consulting company that placed him there. In this case, the guy was directly placed in Oracle by the company and the company was asking for something like 60,000$ in damages ets. Even so, the court ruled in the guy's favor. Do some research on this case.
So I think there is nothing to worry.