Employer not paying! please help


Registered Users (C)

I had a permanent job, but resigned it after almost 3 months of short term disability because of health reasons. I was paid short term disability for 3 months. This happened from july 06 to first week of october 06.

In july 06 i applied for transfer of my H1 to a consulting company (call it company B). I did not join company B till october 20th of 2006. I got a new job offer from company B in october with there new client.
I only worked for 3 days with the new client. I didnt go to the job for the next 3 weeks and they all knew i was not feeling well. Even though i told them that i didnt want to join they still waited for 3 weeks. But i couldnt work because of my health reasons.

The company is not paying me the money for 3 days. They are saying that they incurred lot of loss because of me not going to work. I am paid hourly and so they have to pay me for 24 hours of work. but the company is not paying that.

How do i get my pay
