email to the congressional unit at VSC:

additional info?

Do you know of anyone that used this email and got positive results? Pl share any additional information you know.
I think this email is for the congressional body and not for general public. I think it is not advisable to write to this email as we as Individuals don't work for any congressional body like working for a congressman's office or any senator's office.

I would think ten times before writing to the below email address. Use your judgment and I have no intention to hurt Tines in any way!
Tines said:
the only way that can help you out if your case has been pending for a too time
As an immigration caseworker in a congressional office, I would DEFINITELY not encourage anyone to use that e-mail address. First of all, the VSC liaisons know the caseworkers that work for the members of congress on a personal basis and are highly unlikely to give you any information. Secondly, when congressional units become inundated with inquiries from the public, members of congress (and the USCIS congressional units) are entirely incapable of properly addressing emergent situations. I recognize that many folks on this forum have been waiting a very long time, but if the congressional lines of communication are closed because of abuse by the public, whatever help members of congress can offer will be completely erased. If you want help from the Congressional Unit, contact your Congressman/woman--I am quite sure that they would be happy to do all they can for you.
I totally agree with your advice and I strongly recommend the Moderator of this thread or Tines to please Delete this thread as this can cause harm to forum members than being useful. My 2 Cents!

annestew said:
As an immigration caseworker in a congressional office, I would DEFINITELY not encourage anyone to use that e-mail address. First of all, the VSC liaisons know the caseworkers that work for the members of congress on a personal basis and are highly unlikely to give you any information. Secondly, when congressional units become inundated with inquiries from the public, members of congress (and the USCIS congressional units) are entirely incapable of properly addressing emergent situations. I recognize that many folks on this forum have been waiting a very long time, but if the congressional lines of communication are closed because of abuse by the public, whatever help members of congress can offer will be completely erased. If you want help from the Congressional Unit, contact your Congressman/woman--I am quite sure that they would be happy to do all they can for you.