Effect of bad credit history on visa application?


New Member
Name of your state? IL

I was in the US with my ex husband until 1994 on H1B visa. Our marriage was on the rocks. We came on vacation to our country but then the situation got worse and we ended up in divorce. So I never returned to the US again. I had a bank loan of $ 3000 and unpaid credit cards of about $10 K+ (as both the tickets were also charged on my card). Its been over 10 years.

Now I want to apply for a visit visa to US. Is this bad credit history going to effect my visa application or entry into the US. If so, what can I do. Pls advise. Thanks.
Should not

Credit history is maintained by 3 different bureaus which are private concerns and not at all linked to INS. There should not be any problem while re-entering to US, assuming that the immigration wouldnt ask for the credit report/history. And in worst case if somebody asks in immigration, you can always say that you were out of country and you would be paying all debts once you are in.
And I haven't heard any case where credit history was checked by immigration.
Hope this would help to you.