Economist - Employment Letter


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I am getting a job offer from a recruitment firm in New York and I will be working for a bank as a consultant (on behalf of the recruitment firm). Basically, the recruitment firm will be paying me but I will be consulting at the bank. I will not be an employee of the bank.

I am writing my own TN letter and I was wondering about the following:

Which company's letterhead do I have to use?
Recruitment firm or the bank or both?

Also whose signature is required on the letter?
Recruitment firm or the bank or both?

I would appreciate any kind of help.

Thank you!!
I don't mean to offend you, but are you 100% positive?

Also, do you mind reviewing my TN letter to make sure everything is in order. I got a sample from a website and I am covering all the main point. I would prefer to send it to your personal email if that's not a problem.

Thank you!
Company's Description - Employment Letter

In this case, when I provide a description of the company I will be working for, do I have to provide a description of the recruitment firm and the bank?

In addition...Can I write the following...
Recruitment firm located at Recruitment firm's address wishes to temporarily employ Mr. X for one year as an Economist for Bank X as a consultant.

Does that make sense?
temp agency employment letter

Dear hmall,

I'd like to know how you wrote the employment letter from a recruitment firm because I was recently denied the TN visa application with the letter from a recruitment firm. The immigration officer told me that can't give the visa since the recruitment is the third party. I was trying to persuade the officer but failed. however, I'd like to try one more time, so appreciate if you share your experience. Thank you!