EB1A/NIW I 140 approved


New Member
Hi forum members:

Both my EB1A and NIW got approved on May 19 2008 after 600 days of waiting!!!!.Got RFE for both.Went to same officer NSC Ex 463.Asked everything again in both RFEs.In addition he/she asked for updated citation index and update on submitted manuscripts.Intially submitted 9 letters from former co -workers and employers. I am still a senior postdoc.For RFE got 10 more from people I don't know before in two copies and submitted for both.For RFE I got from Italy, france, canada ,USA(6-- 2 boss helped) and Australia.11 papers imapct factors from 2 to 8. 120 citations for all.One got 60.

Though I am new here as a member I am reading the postings since I applied I 140.Thanks Forum members for your postings which helped me a lot especially RFE.

NIW NSC RD:9/26/06: RFE 2 /20 /08 Replied 04/03/08 AD: May 19 08:)
EB1A NSC RD: 10/28/06: RFE 2/ 19/ 08 Replied 04/04/08 AD: May 18 08:)
Thanks both of you.My credentials are :phd from India in Agriculture biotech.8 years of post doc experience in 3 independent labs here in US in the same field.
Claimed 5 criterion for Eb1a.1.Small fellowship-- UGC/CSIR got a strong letter from NAAC chairman India to substantiate about the fellowship.(But we did not claim this strongly in the RFE letter, since atudent fellowships are not counted)
2.Sigma Xi memeber for 2 years and another society member (paid)
3.In 4 indepenedent book chapters from 4 independent writers--published by Springer-- significantly mentioned about my work ( in each 3-4 paragraphs).
4.A.Independently reviewed 2 reviews for two journals(impact factors 3.5),
B.claimed part of the graduate thesis committee, reviewed several undergratuate work.
5.Major contribution to the field--Agriculture biotech, genomics:
11 papers, around 120 citations overall,Around 100 sequences submitted to Genbank.Recent paper image appeared in the cover, one more image from the paper selected for a online library by peer review.2 industry CEOs gave letters that my methods are used by them and so on..

Used the same contents for NIW based on the category.My attorney was very good who is in the top most post of AILA.
Thanks again.

NIW NSC RD:9/26/06: RFE 2 /20 /08 Replied 04/03/08 AD: May 19 08
EB1A NSC RD: 10/28/06: RFE 2/ 19/ 08 Replied 04/04/08 AD: May 18 08
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Very Big Congratulations!!
Can you please tell me who your lawyer was?
If you cannot reveal it here due to privacy sake, you may
email me at: mtsaha@yahoo.com
Feel free to reply me back here in the forum if you emailed me.

Many Thanks and congratulations once again!!