EB1/ NIW How much diversification in the field is o.k.

Mike Ash

New Member
I have Ph.D in Polymer Science with 7 years of reasearch + over 20 publications & various awards. (also have BS (chemistry), MS(Polymer Sc.)

I have additional M.S. (recent, in 2000) in SYSTEM DESIGN, where I worked on Bio-informatics. However on the basis of my computing, I am doing job in \'wireless\' area in US. Which is more of a computer sc. than Polymer science.

MY PROBLEM IS - How do I convince INS that these fields are afterall connected. Prima Facie, they look very diversified. It may look that i am not persuing activities in the area of my expertise. Since my most of the research publication is in Polymer chemistry.

Have anyone been in such situation. I will appreciate help.


It depends on how to present your petition


I think that if you apply for EB1, it may be difficult to convince that you are extraordinary or outstanding in both fields or how to related these two fields wuth each other.

But if you apply for NIW, you can use the former research field polymer to prove that you are outstanding or has exceptional ability (not Extraordinary Ability). Then you can use the current work field, wireless or computer science, to prove your current work is in "National Interest" (if you can prove it).

In this way, you can use your publiched papers in polymer as the evidence for your excellent ability, and use the current wireless field for the national interest.

If you do it this way, the problem here is that you must have reference letters and documents to show your current work is in National Interest (a special web site for EB1/NIW petition may help your question more: www.greencardapply.com)

good luck
