EB1 EA, what awards are considered acceptable by INS


Registered Users (C)
Hi, can somebody told me what are the prizes/awards which are given weight by INS. There are some organizations who charge fee for giving awards/ are those awards of any use for our purpose.
Based on my experience on NIW self petition, I think there is
no rule on awards except that if you have nobel prize. But, any award based on a open competion on a national or international level is good. I think it is overall evaluation of everything and the point that you are trying to make and mostly the references from whom you get recco letters and how you clearly explain how those reference persons are special enough for INS to respect their views.
INS would almost certainly question any award that you needed to pay money to receive. Sounds like buying the award and that does not prove anything towards extraordinary ability and may even be seen as indicative of the applicant's inability to obtain an award through competition and would therefore reduce the probability of approval.
Thanks Jim and rajaa90,
Recently I got a letter from an organization mentioning that because of my reputation in my field of research I have been awarded and selected by the board of directors to be included in their Who's Who Directory. Letter says there is no charge for this award but in order to receive the copy of directory and certificate they want fee. I just wonder will this award be of any value. The only positive thing that I find in this letter is that it says that " .. because of your reputation ...".
Your comments in this regard will be appreciated.
The who's who thing is sent to almost anyone who has published a paper in a conference proceeding or a journal. So I do not think it would work.
Who's who in my opinion proves nothing regarding extraordinary ability. I was listed while still in law school and I was a middle of the class law student at Rutgers. I get the offers periodically but I don't even send them back now.