EB1 EA Chances?


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Please Evaluate my criteria for EB-1 EA category

1) MD PhD

2) Current Visa Status: H-1B

3) Current Position: In an Ivy league school as a postdoctoral fellow

4) Publications: 13 (4 journal, 9 conference - 7 first author). High impact journals

5) Independent Citations: 30 (25 out of loop)

6) Have press releases/media articles incld. Online media coverage for 3 of my publications. My name included in all of them.
One of my first author publication was featured in this year's breakthrough developments in pathology and laboratory medicine,

7) Have 6 testimonial letters (including 3 from cancer center directors, 1 from current boss who is a big shot too except for my current boss everyone else are independent referees)

8) Have reviewed papers for top quality cancer journals.

9) Have travel awards and sigma xi membership (i will mention them but not include them in my criteria)

I will claim 3, 4, 5 and 6 from the criteria

3. evidence of the candidate's participation, either individually or on a panel, as a judge of the work of others in the same or an allied field of specification for which classification is sought

4. published material about the individual in professional or major trade publications or other major media, relating to the foreign national's work in the field for which classification is sought

5. evidence of the foreign national's authorship of scholarly articles in the field, in professional or major trade publications or other major media

6. evidence of the foreign national's original scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic, or business-related contributions of major significance in the field

What do you all think my chance are?
I agree ... pretty good chances for EB1-EA.

For my service as manuscript reviewer for peer-reviewed journals, I asked the editors-in-chief to write short letters about the "quality" of my reviews. Two agreed to write letters-- they seemed to know the drill, adding superlatives in the text about my impressive reviews and my stellar review rate (i.e., all my recommendations to accept/reject were taken by the journal). Probably not the first time they were asked to write such letters.

I suggest you do the same. Be sure to explain what the purpose is, and attach a description of the EB1-EA requirements, so they know how to put the letter together. The worst that could happen is that they refuse to write the letter-- or even if they write one, but doesn't scream "fabulous", you can always drop it from your file.

Good luck.

(Not a lawyer, blah blah blah ...)
Thanks people,

Good suggestion about getting letters from the reviewers. Thanks!
And just make sure your reference letters have unbelievable superlatives all over them. You really have to explain to them what the letters are for. It's best to attach the specific requirements for the EB1-EA, and ask them kindly to write the letters "in the spirit" of the requirements. It's crucial that your letters don't talk about your "potential" to contribute in your field. You have to already be contributing significantly in the present time. Be mindful of this kind of language.

Good luck!

(Not a lawyer, proudly.)
blueone: My lawyer isn't emphasizing the postdoc position

FOM:Using a lawyer

tampaboy: I provided my referees with a draft from my lawyer. The letters talked about the contribution that I have already made. Couple of my referees added some extra superlatives to the final draft.
Nw2: Do you mind sharing your lawyer's info? I am lawyer hunting for a similar EB1-EA petition and Gosh! it is hard to decide without worrying! So your input would be highly appreciated. You can send me a private message.
Thank you!
tampaboy: I provided my referees with a draft from my lawyer. The letters talked about the contribution that I have already made. Couple of my referees added some extra superlatives to the final draft.

Glad to hear you have a competent lawyer! Certainly makes it much easier for everyone when the letters are written in the *correct* way.

Good luck!