mkutra said:
Can you please post your qualifications and other petition details here for the benefit of the others?
It will be great help if you can post your petition here, after removing all personal information to preserve anonymity. Such sample successful petitions will be tremendously helpful for many people like me who are preparing their petitions.
Many thanks in advance!
Ph.D from top 15 US university in Engineering
10 papers in peer reviewd journals ( very high impact journals): 7 first author
5 conferences, several invited lectures all over the world;
about 100 citations
Working in frontier of semiconductor research: part of a very significant international group: Several high level company decisons made based on my recommendations
Interviewd by major international newpapers
Extensive technology transfer work experience involving companies all over the world
Member of several peer review committees within the company as well as the industry
Member of couple of International technology transfer/patent committees
Represented the home country in major international patent copperation treaties uder the auspieces of UN
8 reco letters from all over the world : all from people I know ( not directly worked with): professors, company presidents, industrial researchers, managers etc
The point is to make sure you present your case coherently, trying to tie up all your achievements in order to prove that you are indeed extraordinary.
The reco letters are crucial. They should say you are extraordinary ( not outstanding or very good etc etc: sometime people mean extraordinary but say careful with choice of words).
A good lawyer is crucial. I did not use any Do-it-yourself-kit.