Early FP at Oakland SC -- Good Experience


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I and spouse received our 2nd FP notices recently, scheduled for different days (the later one was for Thursday, Oct. 30). I went for an early FP last Saturday. At 10am the center was filled to capacity and the person at the entrance did not let us in. However, he suggested that we check back at ~2:30pm. Indeed, at 2:30 there was not a single person there! Moreover, all employees were quite polite and efficient. I even thought of writing a thank-you latter, but then decided against it -- being polite is probably against the agency policy and they could get fired instead.
:D Finger printing is totally out of order with standard INS functioning. The main reason for which is that INS is not responsible for them! :) They are run by private contractors, and hence the efficiency. Tells us something about the INS workings huh?

So you should write that letter of appreciation! :) Congratulations nonetheless, hope you receive your GC soon!