Early fingerprinting allowed in Wheaton (Maryland) or in Philadelphia?


Registered Users (C)
My wife has a fingerprinting appointment in Oakland, Ca, for next week, but we currently live in the northern Virginia area. Can she instead go to the ASC locations in Wheaton, Maryland, or in Philadelphia (both seem open Saturdays)? Has anybody gotten their fingerprinting done early (especially when originally scheduled in a different location) at these ASCs??

I'd appreciate any input from people who know about or have had experience with these centers...

Yes,it can be done as it totally depend upon the CENTRE.I have seen if you will persue you will get your job done.
Can you tell that you got the finger printing notice directly or your lawyer received it.
Second I request you to post the language of the finger printing notice which has come to you as I have seen many people are confused about it.
Thanks a lot in advance.