early 2nd fp rejected in newark


Registered Users (C)
This saturday we went to Newark for 2nd FP for my wife.The lady
said they are overbooked and did not allow for early FP.
We went around 1.00PM

The scheduled date is 11/07
try again

some people have been successful the second time, especially since the reason was they were overbooked the last time.
Did successfully early finger print on saturday at 1 pm

Scheduled for 11/18/2003 did on 10/18/2003
with gods help security person saw only 18 date and not the month

Now waiting for approval
Same here, my spouse FP2 is scheduled for Nov4,03 .

Went last saturday for earlier Fp at Virginia Alexandria centre but refused.

When I told that we would out during that time then they asked to come upto 85 days after scheduled FP date !

Will be going on that saturday(Nov 08,03) !

RD Nov 14 '03
ND Dec 7,03
FP1 June 1,03
RFE Replied July 24

AD ????