EAD - RFE for new new photo


Registered Users (C)

INS has requested new photo for me and for my wife for EAD processing.

My wife is currently in India. Is there a place to get the immigration photo taken in Chennai, India. Any timeframe to submit the new photos to INS?

Pls advise.
You can try sending the one from any phtotographer from MAA

You could take the photographs of yours and send it to MAA and ask whether they can take like that using Polaroid Cameras. You can also send the INS instructions for taking the photographs. Look for the details about the time limit on response to RFE in the RFE letter.
Time Frame

I am not sure if there is a place in Chennai that will do it but there is a time frame. I got a similar request. For me there was a three month dead line to submit the photos. It also said that I cannot apply for an extension of the deadline and that it will be considered as \'abandoned\' if i dont submit within that time frame. Ask your lawyer for a copy of the notice that INS sent him/her.
It also says that processing will start within 14 days of receipt of the new photos. Hope that Helps.
Yes , there is a place in Chennai , I remember reading here in " CP experience in Chennai Cons
