EAD renewal


Registered Users (C)
Hi All,

How long does the processing time take to renewal EAD. My EAD will expire on Dec,01,2004. Can somebody please advise when i should renew it and i have plans to go to India in december, 2004.

Can somebody please point to procedure for renewal.
Please help.

Thanks in advance,
Hi All,

I forgot to ask you a question.

How soon we need to apply for renewal before the old one expires.( for ex: if my EAD expires in dec, 2004, when i should apply for renewal.)


It is pretty crazy. Let me tell U what happened to me.

First EAD expiring on 18th Nov 04.

Applied for renewal on 28th July 04 (People told me I was late already).

Guess when I got approval 18th August (21 days flat) and also they renewed it from Aug 18th 04 which meant I have lost 3 months of EAD worth.

Another friend who app'ed on the same day as me got his approval couple of days back so I guess it is taking currently one month and a bit for it to get approved (if no RFE) from VSC.

Hope this info. helps.

