EAD Question @ Detroit - Please help


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I am planning to apply EAD for my wife and have some questions about it. Can she apply @ Detroit local office or do she need to send to Nebraska? She is on H4 now and if she need to apply what documentation is needed? I applied through attorney and I got my EAD just two days back. Her 485 receipt date is July 3, 2001.

Is Detroit local INS office is accepting EAD applications (when applying for first time)?

I appreciate your suggestions..
Yeah You can appply @local office.

My experience::
 I applied for my EAD (for the first time) @Detroit
 about 3 months back, I recevied my EAD in approx. 60
 The detroit office accepts all 485 applications by
 mail-only! I personally went to drop my application
 but was asked to mail in the applications.
 After about 50-55 days they send you a mail giving
 you an appointment to go to local office and collect
 the EAD.
 I do not have the list of things you need
 to send with the application with me, right now.
 If you search this message board you shall find the

 Hope this helps.

 From what I know, it takes about 90-100 days for EAD to
 come from the INS-Nebraska.