EAD Expire..........Pl. Help...........


Registered Users (C)

Actually I 've applied my EAD renewal on Dec’02. My notice date is 12/09/02. But my current EAD will expire on 02/18/03. So I have another 3 weeks to wait.

My question is

1. Whether I can work or not after expire date.
2. Because I heard that if you have receipt then you can work but I do not know how much this is true?
3. Should I go to Cincinnati office and apply for I-EAD.

Please help me if you have same kind of situation.

I do not think one can work if the EAD expires till the renewal is approved.

Also my understanding is that Cincinnati does not accept walk-in EAD applications anymore.
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Elaborating a little more on priyali's response:
1 & 2. EAD does not allow one to work beyond expiration date and to my best knowledge filing for an extension does not convey any rights as of itself( unlike H1-B). Some people still continue working - especially if their employers don't pressure them to renew I-9 - speculating that when their EAD is approved it will cover their employment retrocatively as renewed EAD typically starts on the next day after the old one expires. Technically this is still illegal - and risky- though so think twice before going there.
3.You can give it a shot at the local office, however they are only required to consider your request if the EAD has been pending for at least 90 days. Also - as priyali pointed out - most local offices do not issue same-day iEADs enymore, although they do still issue them - it just takes longer than that.
Good luck
Interim EAD at Chicago INS

Has anyone tried iEAD at Chicago office on Jackson Blvd. Do we need to fix an appoinment. Can we walk in for an iterim EAD at Chicago office.
