EAD at Newark - any experience ?

arun v

Registered Users (C)
It is 90 days since the ID of my wife\'s AD. No card yet. However, the Voice Message system at SC says that the AD is approved on 10/21. Will an interim AD be issued ? I am asking this question as New ark web site
says AD will be issued for cases where SC has not approved or denied.
Any AD expierence will be appreciated.
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If it\'s already approved, it means it\'s on its way - which generally takes 7-10 days - sometimes as long as 2-3 weeks. Going to Newark won\'t help at all - you\'ll have to get into the line at 3 am in the hopes of getting seen that day, and all they\'ll do is tell you that it\'s already in the mail and you need to wait.
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The RD for EAD is 09/01 and the ND is 09/15. AD is 10/21.
The link to the statement where it says that interim EAD is issued
only to cases which has not been approved or denied is
The description is as below :

Interim EAD: If INS does not approve or deny your EAD application within 90 days (within 30 days for an asylum applicant), you may request an interim EAD document.

It is almost 6 weeks since the approval but no card. Any suggestions -
other than calling IIO as I feel they are totally useless.
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My Ead was approved on 10/17 according to the AVM.
So far no card or Approval Notice. I spoke with the
IIO yesteraday who was n\'t of much help. She said
"sir, you will receive your card in 2 to 3 weeks".