EAD Approved - ND:12/18/2003


Registered Users (C)
Well, it aint the big one, but this will suffice for now. I thought that I had to go on unpaid leave, as the one that I have expires Feb-25. Whaddya know, it got approved today. Hope I don't have to apply for the 3rd one.
Originally posted by drajkuma
Well, it aint the big one, but this will suffice for now. I thought that I had to go on unpaid leave, as the one that I have expires Feb-25. Whaddya know, it got approved today. Hope I don't have to apply for the 3rd one.

Congratulation! That is really quick. I applied for my 3rd EAD on November 19th. As of today no news.
EAD Card renewal pending


We applied for EAD renewal on DEc4,2003 and it is still pending.
My EAD card expired on FEB12,2004.
If do not get EAD renewal in time then what?

Hi All,

My attorney did delay the application for renewal a bit. My EAD expires on 03/25/2004. We applied on 12/23/2003, but INS shows that it receipted it on 12/29/2003. Which means the 90 days will be over by 03/27/2004.

So if I do not get it renewed before 03/25/2004, do I have to go on Unpaid leave till 03/27/2004? Also will this create some issue for the GC?

Also my Lawyer did not opt to file Online and when asked why not, they said we have all the papers with us and when we send them, then you need not appar for second FP. Is that true?

Can someone help to answer this question?
