Ead And Medicine Residency


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Anyone Here Doing Residency Of Internal Medicine Or Whatever With An Ead And Pending Asylum Application?

I Am Applying For Next Year But Are Concerned If It Will Be A Problem When They Ask Me If They Granted Me Or Not The Asylum?

What Should I Say Or What? Will I sign a contract for a 4 year long residency with only an EAD?

Thanks In Advance.
> Or Whatever With An Ead And Pending Asylum Application?

I know a couple of gals who got their EAD through marriage, from what I know they didn't encounter problems. How you got your EAD is nobody's business.

> I Am Applying For Next Year But Are Concerned If It Will Be A
> Problem When They Ask Me If They Granted Me Or Not The Asylum?

I replied to your other post in the matter.
The employer is explicitly prohibited from asking details about the details of your immigration status. They are allowed to ask you whether you are 'allowed to accept employment anywhere in the US', nothing more. You are from what I understand even allowed to give misleading answers to illegal questions as long as you don't try to make them believe that you are a citizen.
I know, residency directors devoid of knowledge about immigration law and civil rights often ask detailed (illegal) questions from applicants.

Look at the stuff the 'Office of the Special Counsel for Immigration related Unfair Labor Practices' at the DOJ.


> What Should I Say Or What?

If they ask you:
Are you allowed to work
Your Answer :

> Will I sign a contract for a 4 year long residency with only an EAD?

The contracts go for the length of the academic year with the understanding that consecutive 1 year contracts will be offered for the length of the residency.
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EAD and ERAS application

Thanks for your help.

In the application for the Medicine-Residency application, there is a part that asks you if you have either Asylum OR EAD.............so If I mark EAD ( cause my asylum is not granted yet), they WILL ask me why did I put EAD and not asylum......is it that you do not have asylum?

What can I say here?
Just put EAD there.
It is none of their business to know how you got it (family immigration/job based/asylum).

Chances are, nobody will ask. The residency directors have no clue about all these things. The HR people that actually process you W9 know better than to grill you on these issues. (If they actually start asking questions beyond the allowed minimum and you think you didn't get the residency based on immigration status related discrimination, file a complaint with the OSC.)