E-2 VIsa extension


New Member
hey group,
I have a question concerning mine and my familie's E2 visa status. My children are only guests under my visa, and i would like to change that, only problem my oldest is 21. would it be possible to give her parts of my buissness in order for her to apply for her own visa? Also i have read the requirements to apply for an extension, but we do not meet those, my buisness is not making enough capital in order to provide workplaces for americans, but it has been around for 10 years now, and i was not the origional owner of this restaurant. And now i want to open a second one in a different location where it would be possible to make more money and eventually provide employment. how would i do this? what forms would i have to fill out in order to get an extension and to move to a different location?
thank you for your help
The problem you're faced with is exactly the biggest problem of the E2 visa: Once your children reach the age of 21 they are pretty much out of luck since they will lose the E2 status. All I can think of quickly is to take a minority ownership in the new business while the majority is owned by a US citizen (so you still have the benefit of the cash flow). The new company could apply for an H1b for your child. However, requirements for the H1b are very strict - the job needs at a minimum a Bachelor degree and I'm not sure if your child has those qualifications. You probably need to get in touch with an immigration lawyer to discuss strategies.