• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV2006 Taiwan Experience


Registered Users (C)
Hi, I’m a DV2006 Winner from Taiwan. Here is my experience and timetable sharing.

1 May 26, 2005 Received 1st package
2 June 6, 2005 Sent back forms to KCC
3 June 24, 2005 Completed collecting all the request documents in 1st package except bank statements and medical examination report.
4 August 10, 2005 Found Visa Bulletin and started expecting every month’s Visa Bulletin. Also started surfing webs getting all kinds of information from visa and immigration forums.
5 February 10, 2006 Know my number (AS0004XXX) will come current in April. Started expecting 2nd package and searching
6 March 1, 2006 Received 2nd package (with wrong language version of Medical Examination instruction)
7 March 2, 2006 Wrote Email to AIT(American Institute in Taiwan) to confirm the interview date and medical examination instruction
The same day, got the phone call from AIT consular that promise will sent the correct medical examination instruction and forms to me.
8 March 7, 2006 Received the medical examination instruction and forms from AIT.
9 March 18, 2006 Went to Taipei Mackay Memorial Hospital to have the medical examination. Spent 2 hours and NT$5,290, which included D.T. vaccination shot, to complete the examination.
10 March 25, 2006 Went to Taipei Mackay Memorial Hospital to pick up the report and spend another NT$300 to have another vaccination shot, M.R.!
11 April 7, 2006 Interview date! Arrived AIT at 8:00 am.
:confused: At first window, the officer only collected my appointment letter, passport and 3 photos. (My photos are not 5cm x 5cm so I had to go out and took a quick photo shot then turn in the correct size of photos.)
:( At second window, the officer collected all my documents including birth certificate, household register certificate, diplomas (and photocopy), bank statement and police certificate. I was also requested to sign my name on the form that I sent to KCC last year. Questions that the officer asked including,
• When is your last time enter US?
• What is your major in school?
• Who’s address in US that you wrote in the form DS230?
• When do you plan to enter US?
Basically, what the officer asked were what I put on the form I turn in to KCC. So the consistence is important. (When I told the officer the month I plan to enter US, she told me that my police certificate is outdated. It has to be within one year period that you enter US. :eek: So I need to apply a new police certificate. She also said that I need to bring the new issued police certificate back to AIT within current month. That implied I need to complete my application before within this cut-off number!) Then, the officer asked me to make the payment and bring the receipt back to her.
:( Make the payment down stair. I was planed to make my payment by Credit card, but I was so un lucky that the computer was down that morning. So I have to go to the nearest bank to withdraw cash. The officer advised me to buy US dollar directly from bank. Since the bank have the better exchange rate. So bring US dollars to have your interview might be a good ideal, just in case.
:eek: At third window, the immigrant officer ask me to swear that everything I said is truth then took my forefinger prints in both hand. But she didn’t ask me anything. Just ask me to come back with police certificate and passport. Then she gave me back my passport, diplomas and a sheet that state the lacked document.

To be continued...
Status Updated!

12 April 17, 2006 Back to AIT! Arrived AIT at 8:30. Turn in passport, Police Certificate and the document that stated I still lack of police certificate to the officer at the Information Window. Wait for almost an hour, :confused: I was called to the Information Window and told that my case is done. I need to leave my passport to the AIT at this point. In Taiwan, we need to use Express Delivery Service, which will cost us another NT$160, to get our passport (with granted Visa) back.
13 April 18, 2006 9:30 am The Express Delivery clerk brought me my Passport, a Sealed Envelope with an immigrant Data Summary sheet outside, an two instruction sheets. One of them describe how you should deal with the envelope and the X-ray film you got when you done your medical Examination. Another sheet state what you should do or expected for social security card after you arrive US. :cool:

My experience is pretty smooth. Hope these information will do you good!
Good luck to every future winners. :p ;) :D :)
Thank you for sharing!

twangela, congratulations for completing your interview at AIT. I have been following your post for sometime and was excited to see people sharing their CP interviews in Taiwan. Please do share your later experience of getting the temporary visa and entering the US. :)

I am also a DV 2006 winner from Taiwan, however I am currently working in the US. I decided to go with CP interview for two reasons: 1. Processing at AIT I heard is faster than doing AOS within US, 2. Hasn't been back to Taiwan in 2+ years and a vacation back home seems like a good choice to exhaust my leaves. My number is AS000070XX and is expecting to be current in July, as the June Asia number is now at 6700. I have a couple of questions for twangela, or anyone who has an idea. ;)

1. From your timetable, my projection of getting the 2nd letter should fall in the month of June. Document-wise, you submitted birth certificate, household register certificate, diplomas (and photocopy), bank statement and police certificate. Are these documents required items stated in the 2nd letter you received? Do we need to have translations copies for household register certificate, diplomas and police certificate? If so, would you kindly recommend some translation agencies in Taipei?

2. Any reason why you waited almost 10 days til your 2nd trip to AIT? Is it the processing time for getting a new police certificate, or did AIT ask you to return on April 17th?

Thanks in advance for answering my questions. As I will be in a somewhat tight stay in Taiwan (Arriving 7/1, departing 7/20), I hope to cut down any delays and to get everything done in one visit to AIT. Greatly appreciate your reply. :cool:
Answering questions to Dear Taiwan friends!

Dear ckcheng,

I'm so glad to hear comments from Taiwan friends! I'll be continued to share my experience of entering US. But it will not happen soon. I still have job here in Taiwan and I want to save more money since I might not able to get a job soon after entering US. (Just saving money for the raining days......... :eek: )

Well, back to your questions.
1. These documents I prepared are stated in the 1st package There is no information about document preparation in my 2nd package. However, when AIT officer mail me the correct version of Medical Examination instruction, she also include instruction of documents preparation but it is not for DV winners but for those regular immigration visa applicants. (I mean more documents need to be prepared for them.) Therefore, the information is not suitable for DV winners.

You don't need to translate documents as long as it is written in "Chinese". That is if your document is not written in Chinese or English, then you have to do the translation.

2. Well, to get a new police certificate need 3 working days (if you ask them to mail it to you by registered mail). If you can pick them up by yourself it will be sooner, maybe 1 working day? But I think this information is only suitable for Taipei county resident. I don't know the processing days of other cities or counties.

So why 10 days?! Well, I apply the new police certificate at April 7 (right after the interview). I should receive the mail on April 12, but just don’t want to cause any problem, I have them send to my home and there is no one home. So after failing to deliver me the mail, twice, the postman put a red slip in my mailbox. I picked up the mail in the post office on April 14. The AIT immigration office only opens to public from 8:00am to 11:00am. :( So I came back to AIT at April 17, before I go to work. Therefore, there is a 10 day interval........ :eek:
You don’t need to make another appointment for turn in lacking documents as long as you turn in within the current month.

If you only plan to stay for 20 days in Taiwan, make sure get your medical examination done earlier because you need to go the hospital twice with 7 day interval. Other documents like household register certificate, birth certificate, won’t waste too much time. :rolleyes:

Hope my answer is helpful! :D
Good luck!
Waiting for June's Visa Bulletin

twangela, thanks again for your detailed reply, it is most helpful. In the meantime, I will start preparing all the interview documents this month, I hope my number would become current in the month of July. (fingers crossed)

I was surprised to find out from your post that the documents in Chinese would not need to be translated. If that is the case, I am assuming that the consulate officers from US, who is reviewing the documents, do read Chinese?

Also, do let me know if you need any advice on living and working here in the US. I have been studying and now working in Washington DC for almost four years, it definitely make things easier getting a decent job with your newly approved PR status! ;)
Waiting for June Visa Bulletine

Hello twangela and ckcheng,

I am also the DV winner from Taiwan. Currently I am staying in the US. My number is AS000073XX. I am waiting for the June visa bulletine update which may release on or about May 5 according to last month's experience. My number may be available for interview either July or August depends on June's progress. I am waiting for the June Visa bulletine release and make the travel plan.

I have few questions for twangela.

(1). What is the difference household register certificate and birth certificate document ? As I know the household register certifiate including your birth information. Where can I apply for birth certificate ?

(2). According to your timeline, if you file complete documents in AIT. You may receive your passport back the next business day. It means AIT will review and finish your process the same business day.

(3). Have you heard anyone receive the DV and fail in interview in AIT and did not receive the PR ?

ckcheng, could you share your working and living experience in DC ?

Thank you for your kindly reply.

We may form a DV Lottery club and share our living experience in the US.
Hello Taiwan friends!

Hi ckcheng and cnlin,

It’s so nice to see another Taiwanese reply in the forum.

To ckcheng,
I do believe that the consulate officers can read Chinese. Since she speak Chinese to me when she ask me to vow! But actually, it is clearly stated in the instruction sheet that they accept Chinese and English documents in 1st package!! :cool: So don’t worry about that!! :p

And I really appreciate your assistant. I am a little worry about whether I can find a “decent” job or not. :confused: :eek: I think cnlin’s suggestion is great if we can form a club and share our living experience in US that would be very helpful for new comer. :D

To cnlin,

(1). :rolleyes: The household register certificate include all the family members’ name, sex, birthday, born city and parent’s name within the same household. As for the birth certificate is the document that your parent turn in to the government to register your birth. You can apply the birth certificate at household registration office, for example http://www.tahr.taipei.gov.tw/ :p

(2). I assumed they do complete the process in one day but they will tell you it need couple days to complete the process.

(3) Well, you will hear different types of stories while waiting for the interview. I didn’t meet other DV winners on my interview day but I do hear some strict inquire to several couples. It is important to be “consistent”. ;)

And I totally support the ideal about forming a DV Lottery club! :D

Good luck to you two! :p
July AS number released!

Wow, welcome to the thread cnlin! I hope our discussion would be useful for your preparation of CP interview at AIT. I guess there might be other lurkers from Taiwan or from East Asia reading our thread, feel free to join in and discuss your case!

Just called KCC this morning, and they confirmed that the Asia (AS) number for the month of July is 7225, progressed only 525 cases compared to June's 6700. In my view, KCC is processing a bit on the slow side from historical trend, but good thing I was able to make it for July interview. cnlin, if this is the case (official visa bulletin is not out yet as of Monday afternoon), with your number being 73xx, you will have another month to get all documents done. ;)

In view of twangela's info-sharing, here is my timeline whereas I submit all of the forms domestically in the US:

1. May 11, 2005 Received NL letter from KCC re: my selection to the DV2006 Program.
2. May 25, 2005 Decided to do Consulate Processing (CP) instead of Adjustment of Status (AOS). Completed the DSP-122, DS-230 Part I & II forms and mailed them to KCC.
3. June 20, 2005 Called KCC to check if they received my documents, since I didn't get the receipt postcard as indicated in the 1st package. KCC responded that they received by documents on June 7, 2005 and all paperworks are complete.
4. October 1, 2005 As the new US 2006 fiscal year starts, begin to monitor Visa Bulletin on a monthly basis.
(url: http://travel.state.gov/visa/frvi/bulletin/bulletin_1360.html)
5. October 27, 2005 Moved to a new place, called KCC to change my address and phone number in their database.
6. April 5, 2006 Checked Visa Bulletin and noticed AS number is at 6700 and expect my case to be current in July. Start gathering information for CP interview.
7. May 8, 2006 Confirmed with KCC on the July Asia number and found out that my number AS000070xx is now current, and was instructed to call back to KCC one week later to know the exact interview date at AIT, or simply to wait for the 2nd letter. In the process of confirming my address, I found out that my address recorded for PR card mailing (can be different from your original mailing address) is still the old address. Instructed them to change the address accordingly.

** Apparently there are two address fields in KCC's database, one for mailing notifications and documents / one for mailing your PR card after successfully being interviewed. When I called in October 2005 to change my address to my new place, I did not indicate to change both of the address fields in their database (how would anyone know?). So be sure to ask KCC to change all address fields whenever you call them for any address updates.

I will update my status as time progresses. :D
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Re: Working and Living in the US

twangela / cnlin,

Forming a club / sharing our experiences is a great idea. In the meantime, I can probably answer some of the questions you might have re: living and working here in the States through this thread. I will do my best to provide the most accurate information. ;)

To get things started, I could share some of my thoughts beforehand. After working here, I have noticed that the most important thing about finding a job is having a legal status (either through F visa extension for recently graduated students, or H visa for employment-based individuals). There would be other kinds of visa that also enable you to work here in the States, but since I am not that familiar with those I won't be discussing them here.

Normally for international students (cnlin, don't know if this could apply to your situation), the process of converting from F visa to H visa is somewhat difficult, because this would involve you finding an employer that is willing to sponsor you for a H-1b visa. Most companies, in the financial sector in my case, would be hesitant to go through all these trouble unless they value your expertises. However, this not the case if you are holding PR status, since you would not be needing the company to apply any visa on your behalf to legally stay and work for them in the US. Frankly, you would be an equivalent of a tax-paying US "citizen", but without the normal rights of a "citizen" (i.e. obtaing a valid US passport, voting, or jury duties... etc).

With the legal status constraint being resolved (by holding PR status), the key to finding a job is now fairly up to your experiences and abilities (professional, and of course your command of English). My tip to twangela, if you have decided to come to the US with your PR status, is to start browsing through some of the job sites tailored to the US job market as a whole, for example Monster.com (http://www.monster.com/) and Hotjobs.com (http://hotjobs.yahoo.com/). Or any regional specific job sites, services normally offered by big newspaper websites, for example Washington Post Career Site (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wl/jobs/home?nav=globetop) or New York Times (http://jobmarket.nytimes.com/pages/jobs/). Just to let yourself know what to expect when coming here to find a job. Some of the sites could even let you directly apply for the advertising positions through their system, similar to the 104 career site in Taiwan.

Hopefully my information are accurate enough, would love to have others input your thoughts on this subject matter. Let me know if you have any other questions. :cool:
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Photo specification for interview


i notice that you faced a dilemma about the pictures. my observation is that the pictures specifications are not the same with 1st package to KCC and the CP . So can you describe the specification?

now to the Taiwanese friends, will you restrict this club only between you countrymen or allow one or two Asians ...

waiting for the CP soon ...

Welcome, Mishel!

Hello Mishel,

You are most welcome to join our discussion on CP experience. Sorry to leave an impression that this is a Taiwanese-only club or some sort, though this thread is mainly geared toward sharing of CP experiences at American Institute in Taiwan (AIT). Personally I have benefited a lot from this forum, by reading through all the postings across all regions. So I guess most CP interviews / entering US pretty much go through the same process and paperwork, I believe our discussions might help you out in some ways.

Now back to our topic, Mishel, what number is your case? maybe you would like to share a bit about your applications as well. If you have any questions re: settling in the US, please bring them up and we can have a discussion. :)
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Photo specification for interview

Dear Cheng

thanks to you for msg reply. I need the photo specification for CP. Well, my case is AS 75xx, upto July 7250 is current , so may be if things run nicely i will have my CP in August.

I am also working in the IT Sector, so I am thinking that have to learn some more of some software , it depends totally on the getting the visa. after that i can jumpo over and learn some survival skills . :(

i will certainly need help of you people in the long run , where is your destination in the US to settle?

thanks a lot
Photo requirement

Hi Mishel,

Welcome to join us.

About photo specification, you need to prepare 3 color photographs of the size 2"*2"(5cm*5cm) with light plain background.

There is no specific information about photo in the 1st package. :confused: The information about the photos should be included in the 2nd package but actually the photo requirement is similar to the non-immigration visa so you can searh on the web or check the link here https://www.immigration-bureau.org/photo.htm

I think an IT specialist should be easier to get a job in US. You got better chance than me........ :eek: :eek:
July Visa Bulletin


Thank you for your update for July Visa Bulletin. My case number 73XX may be available on August. I had waiting for July Visa Bulletin for several days. Now I had different travel plan.

twangela and Mishel, concerning how to survive in the US after receive the PR. The US companies like people can "plug and play". They expect to bring you in and you can generate productivity as soon as possible. The company did not want to training new employee. It looks like telephone, plug the phone into the phone jack and phone will work.

As far as the IT job, many of the IT jobs especially software programming job are outsourcing to India. Big companies have research center in India and partnership with US counterpart. Many financial company has customer service call center located in India. They are willing to bring talented India engineer as L1 visa instead of hiring US engineer. There is cost saving to bring foreign worker. When you come to US, you should compete with the global talent pool in US. Big Fortune company are good at using global resources and talent. They setup R&D team in China or India and use local talent over there. When the R&D team has new invention, the company file US patent to protect their intellectual property right.

For the IT job, you can find recruiting info at www.dice.com.
ckcheng, please kindly update your interview story. Thanks.
DV2006 Winner from Taiwan

I am also the DV2006 Winner from Taiwan. Here is my experience.

1. In May 2005, my mom received the 1st package and sent it to USA for me.
2. In June, I sent the forms back to KCC.
3. In Feb 2006, I saw my case number (AS0004XXX) is current in March and also received the 2nd package (without physical examination form). So I sent email to American Institute in Taiwan to ask for the form and asked them if I could do the examination in US hospital.==>the answer is "No")
4. On Feb 22, I went back to Taiwan.
5. On Feb 24, I went to AIT to get the examination forms first, then, went to Taipei Mackay Memorial Hospital. Total spending is around 5500.
6. On March 4, I picked up the report from the hospital.
7. On March 7, Interview date and arrived at 8pm.
>At first window, the person collected my appointment letter, 5*5 photos for 3, and my passport.
>After 30 minutes, at the second window, the person collected my document such as birth certificate, police certificate, household certificate, bank statement, the copy of diploma, and my enrollment certificate of graduate school. Also, he asked me couple of questions such as when did I arrive to Taiwan, when will I enter into USA, and the address that I wrote is whose address.
>Then, I made a payment at the down stair and paid by US Credit card.
>Then, I took the receipt to the person at the second window.
> After 30 minutes, the immigrant officer called my name, asked me to swear that everything I said is truth then took my forefinger prints in both hand. She only asked for seeing my original diploma, asked me which school and major I study now and if I have questions or not. < I told her I will be back to USA on March 13, and asked her if my passport will be delivered in the same week. She was very kind and said she will send the urgent message to deal with this.> ALL Done! Only spent 2 hours!
4. On March 10, I received the documents in the sealed envelope, my passport. Then, check the visa. My F1 visa was cancelled.
5. On March 13, I took flight to Chicago where i am living. In the airport, it has a line only for the first time immigrant. The officer just opened the envelope and input some data into computer. What you need to do is almost the same as visitors when you enter into USA. Not a big deal! Unless you are an expect mother or pregnant.
6. On March 29, I received I-797, Notice of Action (Welcome Notice) from USCIS.
7. On March 31, I received both I-797 again and the Permanent Resident Card. It comes faster than I expect! :)
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nonopopo said:
Then, I made a payment at the down stair and paid by US Credit card.

Congratulations nonopopo on receiving your GC. I was just about to ask on the thread whether we can pay the fee at AIT using US credit cards. Thanks to you, my question is answered. But on a side note, can AIT accept AMEX (I assume they accept VISA or MasterCard) for the fee?

I called KCC today to check whether my interview date is out yet, they replied that an interview was set up for me on 7/17 at AIT. Does anyone know how we could change the interview date? KCC said I should contact AIT on this. Should I call or email them? What's your suggestions?

7/17 is a bit late for me since I will be leaving Taipei on 7/20. Thanks again!
Documents preparation

I am the DV 2007 winner of Taiwan, but I currently live in Utah. I choose to adjustment status in USA, does anybody has the experience in USA? I heard it might be take longer if processes in USA... I am worried about it. And I still have to aske my parents to collect all the document in Taiwan. Also, When I received the package from KCC, there are few questions about documents prepatation. I wish you guys who are DV 2006 winners could answer me:
1. Evidence of required education -- should I get the origional one or just a copy one?
2. About the medical exam -- I have to do it in USA also. I intend to do it earlier, but I don't know what to do exactly. How can I know more detail about medical exam?

Thanks for your kindly reply and congatulation again! :p
thank you Cnlin, yes if you are in the American end, its horrifying that you are loosing job opportunities while you are in the US, again out sourcing develops the economies of the countries in outsourcing business

www.dice.com is really good, but i think i have to survive first by working in the IT industry , i plan to migrate to Silicon Valley if i am successful.
in the long run i dont want to incline to the IT sector.

i am tensed about the case progression, i will have CP in August..thats almost close. papers are not yet finished. so many things..