• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.



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Please tell if you already got a winning letter from DV-2004 ? I wonder if they already started notifying the winners.
I am in the same boat here. I am waiting for the results to come out. Please post all your success stories here.
Hi every body Im MOUAD I am from. Morocco I am one of the winners of the FD-programm2002 that made two years that I await my interview with the consulate I fear thats it is not very late I sent an E mall to Kentucky consular center they answered by this message (INFORMATION: Thank you for your inquiry; the DV2002 program has ended have the physical year was over 9-30-02. Pleas Be aware VHV you may apply for the d.v 2005 program; wich instructions will Be available in august 2003. Kcc/smt.) has present I do not know what I must do to regain my statue of winner I would be grateful for any person who will be able m to help while waiting for your answer here my E MOAD4YOU@hotmail.com;)

Forget it man/woman if you dont get yo Greencard within than year by september it is no longer valid. As you were advised apply for DV2005 when time comes in october.
Re: moad

Merci pour le conseil mais la question reste est ce que j ai un avantage d avoir été gagnant pour le dv2002
Ou est ce que mon statue a été ferme pour toujours
:( :eek:
Re: Re: moad

Thank you for the conceil but the question remainder is what J have an advantage D of having been gaining for the dv2002 Or is what my statue was firm for always:( :eek:
Originally posted by lkosinski
Please tell if you already got a winning letter from DV-2004 ? I wonder if they already started notifying the winners.
looks like they have started mailing. I just saw a new thread from a winner.
Originally posted by Bunty2772
I am in the same boat here. I am waiting for the results to come out. Please post all your success stories here.

looks like they have started mailing. I just saw a new thread from a winner
Originally posted by Bunty2772
What new thread are you talking about? Can you please point me to that?

Thank you.

I saw that you have already looked at. It is the one from West African person with the thread: " Won a lottery Visa ". Looks like you are waiting for the results. So am I. Lets hope that more people will post results. By the way, do you know how many visa were allocated for asia in DV 2003?
Re: moad

that s my story . I would like to inform you

that I was among those applicants who were selected and registred

for further consideration in the DV-2002(october,1,2001 to september


I did complete and return forms (230 partI,230 partII and dsp122)

to the kentuky consular center around May 2001 but infortuntely,

up to now I havenot received any answer yet.

now, I am writing to you to ask you what i have to do cause i cant beleive

that i missed this opportunity_pleas help me
i will be gratiful:(