Dual Citizenship


New Member
I recently got my US Passport. My Indian Passport is still valid (not expired). With all this talk about dual citizenship, to travel to India, do I need to get a visa or PIO card from Indian counsulate?
Please advise.
Re: Re: Dual Citizenship

Originally posted by JoeF
It is my understanding that the Indian dual citizenship regulations are not out, and that it is not a full dual citizenship, anyway.
So, with becoming a US citizen, you still have lost Indian citizenship automatically.

And you are required by Indian regulations to turn in your Indian passport to the nearest Indian mission.
Once the dual citizenship regulations are announced you can re-apply for Indian citizenship. That is the way Indian dual citizenship regulation is; one has to apply for it after acquiring foreign citizenship and India citizenship does not automatically stay with you.
PIO card

Get a PIO card ASAP from Indian consulate if u r area. This will allow you to go to India without any visa, but be sure to carry it always with your US passport.