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DS-230 Part 2, Question 29. Name and Address Petitioner


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Hi all,

Ive tried to search the forum regarding this question 29 of name and address petitioner but I couldnt get any answer on my case.

So here we go:

My Wife received the NL and we are doing the forms to be send back to KCC. We are both Indonesian citizen and currently located in indonesia.

My first question is:

Is there any due date on when these forms application has to be returned to KCC?

Second question is:

For DS-230 Part 2 question 29, the form actually asked for name and address petitioner. Now, if it is for my wife the main applicant, what should we put? We believe is N/A, as she is the main applicant and she is applying for herself. What about for me, spouse/husband? What should I put in the form? Should it be the name of the person who won the lottery and filed
DSP-122 (my wife in this case)? :confused:

Any help from you will be much appreciated. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and helping me on these questions.

Best regards,
Hi all,

Ive tried to search the forum regarding this question 29 of name and address petitioner but I couldnt get any answer on my case.

So here we go:

My Wife received the NL and we are doing the forms to be send back to KCC. We are both Indonesian citizen and currently located in indonesia.

My first question is:

Is there any due date on when these forms application has to be returned to KCC?

Second question is:

For DS-230 Part 2 question 29, the form actually asked for name and address petitioner. Now, if it is for my wife the main applicant, what should we put? We believe is N/A, as she is the main applicant and she is applying for herself. What about for me, spouse/husband? What should I put in the form? Should it be the name of the person who won the lottery and filed
DSP-122 (my wife in this case)? :confused:

Any help from you will be much appreciated. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and helping me on these questions.

Best regards,

since your wife is the primary applicant, she is the petitioner.Let her put her address in that column and you put the same address that she puts aswell.
Hi Rob, Congratulation !
Would you please let us know when NL's dated
and when exactly your wife has recieved that NL
I'm from Indonesia too and still hoping :)
Btw, My suggestion to you, please send it to KCC ASAP, the faster the better but fill it up corretly
2nd, gasper200 already answered.
Good Luck !

Thank you gasper2000 for the answer. So let me clarify this, so both forms (mine and my wife's form) would be her name and address? So for her case, she is herself as the petitioner? Ohh I have to change form I guess, we already put N/A for her form.

Hi Vsm, thanks bro!
Ok the NL is dated May 05, 2009, and she just received it May 28, 2009.
Yeah I'll do that VSM-007, Im going to send it by the end of this week....or as soon as I figure how to fill these forms up...hehe.
So same question to you, so both forms (mine and my wife's form) would be her name and address? So, for her case, she is herself as the petitioner? What do you think?
Where are you located now VSM-007? When is your NL's dated? What is your latest update for the application?

I hope to hear from the both of you soon! Again, Thank you so much for the help! Couldn't do it without your guidance!

rsubrat, you are right.If you have made a mistake-download another form from travel.state.gov and fill your wify's name and adress in your own forn and hers
Hi Rob,
Im in Jakarta right now and have not received any NL from KCC for years.
I will I can receive NL as you are.
I've found this forum couple of weeks ago and learn a lot of thing.
Even I have not receive NL yet. (perhaps will try for DV2011), have tried to figured out the detail for preparation (in - case somday I receive NL)
Actually I have asked about that (Q39) and they told me to type the winner as petitioner. In your case, your wife is the winner, so for Q39, you need to fill it up your wife name for you and your wife. (if you have child / children, need to fill up your wife name on it too).
I do understand that a lot of people dont do the preparation and upon receipt of NL, they will try to search the answers and it is not easy to ready / learn about that thru this forum for short time. I do understand it take some time.
Good Luck, Bro
I will send PM to you soon :)
ahh I see. Thanks bro!

Good Luck with your application, hope you will get it as well :) Check your pm!
I got the NL and returned to KCC already but now I relised that I made a mistake. For name and address petitioner, I Have filled with my name for me my wife's name for her and kids' name for their form. Now what to do. Can you please advise?