DS 230 Part-2 form.. Two diff. copies on Immihelp.com


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I can see two diff. copy of DS 230 part -II forms.. new form has stamp on it with "Are you a member of representative of a terrorist organization?"... this seems new form.. but there are some problem in form..

If you click on either Yes or No in item 30.c, f or g, it select both Yes and No.

Does anyone have better copy of this form?

Does the old DS-230 part II form is okay or consulate will ask us to fill this new DS-230 form at interview time?
The new form has the Terrorist Org Question

You need the terrorist Org Question on your fform..

If there is a question that is behaving erratically in the fillable form.... do not fill that question electronically and use a pen to mark the right answer!!