DS 156 questions


Registered Users (C)

Can you guys please tell me what answers should i provide for the following questions on DS 156

Q2)Place of issuance City,Country,State
Q3)Issuing country

My passport was renewed in US in SanFranciso,so for Q2 i put CGI SanFrancisco(This was how it was in passport),USA,CA.Is this correct.
For Q3 Issuing country should i put in USA or India(I am on H1B and from India)

For Q25)Name and telephone numbers of person in US who you will be staying with....
For this do i have to put my wife's name who is currently on H4 and also for the same question for my wife's application form should i put in my information.( i am sending my wife's revalidation along with mine)

Also can you guys please tell me whether i can use the non electronic DS156 or do i need to fill out electronically (i am asking this because i think the non electronic does not have the bar code whereas the electronic version does)

H1B visa renewal: DS156/DS157: Replies from StateDept

I had some doubts in my application forms (DS156/157) and called the state dept (Tel: 202-663-1225). I want to share with you the information:


DS157/3: FullName in Native alphabet: WRITE IN YOUR NATIVE lang(Hindi, Tamil, Telegu, etc) :- I expalind her that I am from India and my native language is Tamil. She asked me to write my name in Tamil. If you don't know your native language, write in Hindi.

DS157/9: List of all the countries: PROOF: No need to send old passport.
:- I have visited several countries, some of the visas are in my old passport. She said, I do not need to send my old passport. Just send the passport with the current US visa.

DS156/22: When do you intend to arrive in US:- Write down "Currently in US on H1b". Eventhough, its electronics form, you can write with pen in the printout. The operator at DC will upload all the information using the bar code and enter few fields manually.

How long do you intend to stay in US:- "Currently in US on H1B"

What type of Visa? Select H1B, not H1B1.:- H1B1 is for free trade agrement conutries like Cananda.

All the best!!!