Dropped controlled substance charges for juvenile record


New Member

My wife is a dutch citizen and I am a US citizen. We are currently thinking about moving to the US. The issue is that when she was a juvenile she was charged with possession of weed. She was never actually arrested. A police officer suspected her of having some on her, did not find any, took her information and was told to report to a police station with a parent. This is while they were living in Germany. The officer at the station told her they dont really have any evidence so the charges would be dropped. The officer also said they never put anything into the system. She recieved a letter in the mail later that charges had been dropped for "Law of trafficing of controlled substances". I am not sure if the letter still exists. I have seen it and it is only one sentance saying that the charges were dropped and no details about the case at all. There is nothing on her police record and it is clean. She also never admitted guilt for this charge. I know we must report all interactions with police so I want to know our chances. I am wondering if it is still possible to get her a greencard or if this will make her inadmissable. I am also worried if they ask for court proceeding and whatnot like mentioned in other posts that I will not have any documents besides possible the letter mentioned above to provide because this was a very "off the radar" event.