Does this Preseditail election has any effect on Immigration process ?


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Does this Presidential election has any effect on Immigration process ?

Hi All,

I am wondering what changes we might face (immigration policy) if Kerry gets elected or Bush Continues. B'coz Kerry is kind of anti - outsourcing personality and Bush is kind of liberal towards legaliging the illegals.

Any thoughts ?

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gc4health said:
Hi All,

I am wondering what changes we might face (immigration policy) if Kerry gets elected or Bush Continues. B'coz Kerry is kind of anti - outsourcing personality and Bush is kind of liberal towards legaliging the illegals.

Any thoughts ?


In this country it really does not matter what Bush thinks or what Kerry thinks. What matter is that how strong immigration lobby you have. It's all about K Street - lobby, lobby lobby.
For once I have to go with Ronald Reagan: 'Are you better off now than you where four years ago ?'

Fact is, Bush promised the moon to the latino community, including legalization for everyone who works and an open door for temporary workers from Mexico. How much of his promise has he kept ?

And no, Sept 11th has not a f___ thing to do with the process of employment based immigration. The highjackers abused the student, exchange and visitor visa programs, not the GC process. If Bush cared about immigration, given the republican congress he would have had the tools to fix the broken system, but he didn't.

Kerry on the other hand pays some lip service to the cause of immigration reform, at the same time he trumpets his anti-outsourcing agenda. Politics as usual.

-- If Kerry wins : nothing will change
-- If Bush wins : nothing will change

It's correct, I also heard Kerry saying that. In fact that moved me to the thinking that atleast we exist in Kerry's book even if it turns out to be an empty promise at the end of the day.

But in Bush's book we don't have any mention, he is only concerned with illegal aliens whom he love too much, he is not concerned by legal people who are trying to be immigrants and who pay taxes, abide by the law and do everything possible and still stay cautious all the time as to how they carry themselves every day.
Reforms in the first 100 Days

I remember reading that Kerry promised to overhaul and reduce the wait time for all legal immigrant petitions within the first 100 days of his term IF ELECTED--which to me at this point looks like a long shot.

No such promises from Bush...Just some more of the same...
Guys politicans here are just like anywhere in the world. These are election promises for votes and nothing else. I dont think any US president can
do anything to speed up GC process. We need people like Rajeev Khanna
to do this.
Chvista and Prem,
I was really happy to hear this by Kerry and atleast I am hopeful that someday this agenda will become a reality and they atleast other legal immigrants who have been paying taxes continously for 3 or more years don't have to go through all this painful and stupid GC process.

chvista said:
Interestingly Kerry said in yesterday's debate something like this
' I will support immigrants who are here for a long time, paying taxes and who abide by law, who have citizen children'. We will help them get US citizenship blah blah. Ofcourse all that it matters for us is if we get our GC approved by VSA or NOT.
chvista said:
Interestingly Kerry said in yesterday's debate something like this
' I will support immigrants who are here for a long time, paying taxes and who abide by law, who have citizen children'. We will help them get US citizenship blah blah. Ofcourse all that it matters for us is if we get our GC approved by VSA or NOT.

It was good to hear that. Kerry is our best bet!! Bush supports illegal immigrants, while Kerry supports the legal law abiding immigrants. 4 years and see that Bush has given us, the labor certification that was taking 6 months before Bush came in took over 2 years for most of us because of the 245i applications, now he is talking about some kind of work visa program for undocumented workers, he is taking the valuable resources away to handle these cases without adding budget/more resources. I would support the democrats any day.

BTW, can the forum moderator correct the spelling of "Presidential" in the title. It's like Bush saying "Nu Killer" for "Nuclear"
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joyd said:
It was good to hear that. Kerry is our best bet!! Bush supports illegal immigrants, while Kerry supports the legal law abiding immigrants. 4 years and see that Bush has given us, the labor certification that was taking 6 months before Bush came in took over 2 years for most of us because of the 245i applications, now he is talking about some kind of work visa program for undocumented workers, he is taking the valuable resources away to handle these cases without adding budget/more resources. I would support the democrats any day.

BTW, can the forum moderator correct the spelling of "Presidential" in the title. It's like Bush saying "Nu Killer" for "Nuclear"

i also had the impression that the current administration favors illegals more than legals. nothing to blame. for a politician getting hispanic votes is probably far more important than getting a nobel prizer.