Does Rentry Permit affect eligibility for Citizenship?


Registered Users (C)
If someone 'intending' to stay abroad for a year (but less than 2 years) by filing ReP then, will the fact that filing of ReP will reset 2 years out of 5 years of eligibility for Citizenship?

In other words, someone files for REP, leaves but then comes back in few months (say less than 6 months) though the initial intention was to live abroad for 1 year or 2 then will the clock gets reset in any way?

or simply put, does REP play any role in elgibility for Cisitzenship if filed but not used?
Filing the Re-entry permit but not using it will not really affect your Application for Citizenship. However, you should have maintained the necessary residence in the US in the past 5 years before you apply for Citizenship.