Does my husband still need a Visa?


New Member
My husband was born in the Phil. I was born in the US.

We are going on vacation for 21 days to the Phil. He has not been there since he left when he was 7 (25 years ago).

His Passport, Resident Alien Card, and Social Security are all current and not expired. Does he still need to apply for a Visa to get back into this country?

I know his mother came here with a Visa when she first brought her sons here, but she has been back to Phil 4 times in the past 25 years and has only needed her Passport and Resident Alien Card upon return to the US.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. We are excited for the trip in November, but scared we won't be able to come back.

He is my legal husband.

Thank you in advance.

If Resident Alien Card and passport are current - then there is no issue. He should keep them with himself and show it to officer at port of entry when asked for it.