Does it help to visit the INS office?


Registered Users (C)
I desparately need my PR approval .. like most of us on this forum, I guess. I have given my details below. Do you think it helps to make a visit to the local(San Jose) INS office? Please advice.

Details of my PR application:

WAC-01-093-5xxxx EB2-CSC RIR INDIA
RD - 1/18/2001
ND - 2/1/2001
AP - 3/18/2001
EAD - 3/24/2001
FP - 4/19/2001 (As scheduled)

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No, it has nothing to do with local INS.

Does it help to visit CSC? No idea, but I guess not.

Some people with ND/FP dates similar to yours have been approved.
Your approval shouldn\'t be too far away.
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You go there man.
Fortune favors the brave.
You never know, your visit might just do it.
Talk to your lawyer first, if he says NO don\'t go.
If he says "No use, no harm will be done", then GO.

There is a saying, " You ca not see the heaven unless you yourself die."
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i remember that looong back, there is a guy called JoeF who posted about going to local office for enquiring about his case... try to search for messages by him.
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Thanks, all. I will check with my lawyer. Will post to this thread if I do go.
- mss