Does INS Contact Past Employers before approving I-140 ?


Registered Users (C)
Hi Gurus,

I was told by someone that INS asks all your previous employers some sort of questions before they clear the I-140. Not certain of that, so wanted to know if someone has any knowledge of this. If INS does ask, what kind of questions do they ask and if one of your past employers does not give any response, what happens ?

Thanks a bunch !


I don't think INS does that what it actually do is ask for your experience certificate .. they might verify whether that company is existing etc from their database ... may be ....

The reason why i say that they dont talk to your former employer because i have never heard of 140 denial based on the fact that the previous employer said something wrong or didnt response etc ... u can check the forum and see the various reason for why the 140 was denied ....none of them mentioned the reason which you looking for ....

Ok lets suppose that they call the former employer and they dont respond ... do u think in that case the BCIS will deny 140 ... i dont think so ... in that case they might send RFE and will ask for more clarification ... and remember for 140 people across the globe apply in US in that case they will be calling everywhere in the world and in some cases they have to call in night due to time difference (provided the phone number has not changed :D .... so i dont think its feasible any way ...

I can tell you about my friend whose 140 was approved and he gave the experience letter of his relative's company well they never got any inquiry from BCIS/INS ... so just relax .. i can guess the few possible reason why you asked this particular question ...

just relax and have a great weekend.
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They don't verify

previous employment as long as you have a experience letter from them in a proper letterhead...

For one of my company I had given my own affidafit (can't spell it :confused: ). This particular company had curtailed its business significantly, so I didn't know anybody who could give me the letter

I was approved in One Month (28 days)

Hope this helps
