Documents needed to apply for Citizenship


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Very soon I will be eligible to apply for citizenship. Please let me know what all documents I need to send along with application N-400.

Also, when I did my 2005 taxes, I filled the wrong filing status. Instead of filling Married Jointly, I filled Married but filing separately. Will this create a problem in my citizenship? If so, what is the solution.

Download the N-400, its instructions and the "Guide to Naturalization". There's a checklist in one of the latter two documents.

I doubt if that's a problem with the USCIS. "Married" status on a tax form is only a sticking issue if you are filing as "married to a USC for 3 years" rather than the normal 5 years. But, you put yourself down as "married" anyway.

However you may want to file an amended return with the IRS.
Why do you say married filing separately is a "wrong filing status"?
It is perfectly fine and legal to file as "married but filed separately". But once you go joint, the rules are pretty complicated to go separate but still married.
The reason I say married separately is wrong because I am not separated from my husband. Although we do not live together because right now he cannot join me until I come a citizen then only I can sponsor for him.

Married separately means we are having trouble and I want to divorce him.

And flydog thanks for the reply. If I amend the tax return, will this cause the problem with IRS. Do you think they will get suspicious and start auditing me. I made a genuine mistake because when I read the description about Married Separately I thought it means you are not living together which is true because I can't sponsor him until I become a citizen. But I never thought that not living means that you are having some marital problems. I don't want INS to think that we are having problems because I love my spouse very much.

Please help.
In the US, married couples can file their income taxes in two ways, "Jointly" or "Separately". Jointly means that the two spouses report both of their incomes on the same form. Separately means that they fill two different forms. In most cases, it is advantageous to file jointly.

This has nothing to do with whether you are living separately, or if you are "separated" in preparation for a divorce - it's just an option that married folks have.

If you find an error in your filed taxes, you are expected to file an amended return. It may slightly increase the chance of an audit (I really don't know), but the important thing is that you should alway give correct information to the IRS (just like you should be completely honest with the USCIS).

You might want to talk to a Tax professional. If that is too expensive, consider purchasing tax preparation software (like Turbo Tax). All but the very basic versions of those packages come with excellent "help" information that is much easier to navigate that the IRS information on the web.

Good luck.
OT: tax software

TurboTax is a wonderful thing - I've been using it now for 5 or more years. IIRC it can even figure out whether it is better to file jointly or separately. Cheaper than a tax accountant too!