Documents for visitors visa - New requirement ?


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My parents applied for a visitor's visa at the visa facilitation center at Ahmedabad, Gujarat. I have provided all required documentation. However, they were told that according to a new requirement, child's ORIGINAL birth certificate (Issued by a civic body in india) must be provided with the application. I have sponsored my parents twice before, without this document and this came as a total surprise. Unfortunately, my birth has not been registered with the civic body and the people at Ahmedabad center are not willing to accept anything else including an affidavit (Eventhough affidavit is an acceptable proof of birth for Green Card processing, It is not acceptable for a visitor visa !!!). The process of obtaining an original birth certificate when a birth is not registered, is very time consuming and i need to call my parents soon. I have send an email to the U.S consulate in Mumbai to check if any other document can be used in place of a birth certificate but haven't received a reply. Has anyone else encountered this situation ? I would appreciate any suggestions/solutions to this situation.
this is true

Hello bd_101,
I am also in a similar situation. The VFS Ah'd is indeed asking for the BC as also is the info provided at the website:
Have the center at Ah'd told that BC from a i.e. any civic body is ok?.....I also do not have my BC and used affidavits for processing GC! Now getting the BC from some village in interior south, where I was born has indeed become really painful!.
My parents did get a response from Mumbai consulate that BC was indeed necessary to their email query to them, though I don't see any postings from Mumbai - sponsors for visitors as BC being part of documentation requirements.
Kindly keep me posted as to what you plan to do.
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Hello CSG,

Well, it appears that i am not alone !! I am not sure since when they started asking for this document. One of my friend's parents landed in U.S just 2 months back and they did not have to provide a BC. It would be interesting to know if other VFCs are also asking for a Birth Certificate. Did you check if your birth has been registered with the civic body at your place of birth ? If it was, then you are in luck because you can get a BC relatively easily. Otherwise, we are sailing in the same boat. Here is what i have been told by friends/family etc.

1. Have the civic body at your birth place search for your birth record based on your school leaving certificate or other acceptable document. Get a "Certificate of no record" from them.

2. Hire a lawyer to file a case in the court

3. The judge will issue a summons to the person who signed the "Certificate of no record" and ask him/her to testify that a record about your birth was indeed not found. Sometimes, the judge may ask for a copy of records for his/her verification

4. Once the judge is satisfied about the claim, the court will issue an order to enter your name in the civic body records and you can then request a birth certificate.

This is only a general explanation of the process. Talk to a lawyer for exact details. I am not sure how long it takes for this process to complete. people have given me various estimates ranging from 1 month to 6 months.

Hope this helps. Please keep me updated.
Hello bd_101,

Indeed it appears to be a long drawn out affair. My birth though registered doesn't have my name and my parents full name, it is stated as Mr. X and Mrs. X. We are trying to get that corrected to include my name and my parents full name and so long we have been trying all avenues for the past 10 days and hopfully we should know in another week's time what we are headed for -drop box or an interview at the Mumbai consulate.
I don't know if a BC issued by Indian consulate here in the USA will work!



My parents were told that BC issued by Indian Embassy in U.S does not work. They even went to the extent of saying that the only acceptable BC is the one issued by a civic body WHICH HAS A RED BORDER ON IT !!!. It is hard to believe that there is no way out of this. Probably the staff at A'bad VFC does not have proper info. I am also exploring the possibility of having may parents go for an interview at U.S consulate in mumbai but it would be a wate of time and money if they too insist on having a BC. It would be better to check with them before going there. Keep me posted if you suceed in getting a BC or Visa. I will also keep you informed if i find a way out.
CSG, Read this

I finally received a reply from the US Consulate, Mumbai. They have said that my parents can apply via interview process without a birth certificate. I hope whoever replied to my email has proper information. Any progress on your side ?
Vistor Visa rejected without Original Copy of Birth Certificate

Here is the sequence of events:

- My father applied for visitor visa in first week of October through drop box with help of a travel agent .
After a week agent called and asked for birth certificate.
- Neither my parents had my birth certificate nor did my birth ever registered. My father asked agent if Higher Secondary school leaving certificate will be acceptable and he said we can try. My father got my certificate issued through a family friend and sent to consulate after a week.
- After few days agent again called and said embassy wants certificate from civic body.
- My father who no longer lives in the place I was born went and after a week of painful process of going through courts, affidavits, witnesses was able to get the certificate issued.
- Unfortunately he opted for English version of certificate assuming Amercain Embassy will require certificate in English.
- He sent a notorized copy of certificate to consulate via Agent.
- Agent called after few days and asked for "Original Certificate".
- My father sent "Original English certificate" which had Traslated Copy written on it.
- Embassy rejected the visa this time for incomplete documentation 214/224(g) ?? saying Translated Copy cannot be considered as original.

My father after going through 2 months of painful process is very frustrated.
Can anyone please comment on following :

1. Can he use drop-box for second time? If not what is the option , Mail or Interview ?
2. What should be the time difference in between two applications?

Thanks in adavance.

Thanks for posting your experience. It was very useful. My parents are also in the process of getting a BC through the court process, affidavit etc. He is told by our lawyer that the process could take about 2 months to complete. My place of birth is in Gujarat. If yours is in Gujarat too then i really need to know how your dad get the BC in a week.

Regarding your questions, see the following website

It states that after first refusal, you can apply after 3 working days - ONLY THROUGH THE INTERVIEW PROCESS.


As you said earlier, did your folks apply through apply through the interview process ? Was a visa issued to them ?
Hello bd_101,
Sorry about the delayed posting.....
Yes my Parents finally got their visa last week and have since arrived in the USA!.
I have another sibling in the USA who fortunately had an incomplete BC , which with some corrections and additional documentation- the municipality in South was able to issue a fresh BC and so they sponsored our Parents.
BTW my BC is still in the works!!
All in all just this process took them a month and a half.
The Mumbai Consulate have issued them only a 6 months multiple entry visa and they were also granted 6 mths stamp at their port of entry- Chicago.
Any progress in your case? BTW if your Parents have come to the USA before i.e. in the last 5 to 7 years then they DO NOT require sponsorship and they can also avail of the drop box facility- this info as per the visa center at Ah'd!
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Nice to hear that things worked out for you. No progress on my side yet. The court process to get a BC is going on and it may take up to 2-3 months.

I was also under the impression that sponsorship is not required for those who travelled in last 5 years. Howewer, this limit was lowered recently to 2 years (I Think.... ). This is also mentioned on If you inquired about this recently, please let me know and i will inquire one more time.
hello bd_101,
Yes, you are right!. It appears ( on the visa-services website) that the 2 year limit has been done very recently as my Parents were told in early october that if they had visited the USA in the past 5 years then they would be eligible for drop box facility!.
All the best to you. You may want to perhaps ask your parents to check with the visa center and see.....
Birth Certificate


I have the birth certificate, but my name is not on it(i think my parents had not thought my name at that time). It has my birth date and my parents name on it. Don't know, if Bombay consulate would find that sufficent. My passport has my father's name on it and my birthdate, which match the ones on the birth certificate.
Does anybody have a similar situation?

Also, i wanted to know the phone numbers and addresses of any good immigration consultants in Mumbai?
DropBox Facility


My parents are coming first time in US.
My father's age is 61 years and Mother's age is 59.

Are they eligible for dropbox?
They come under Delhi consular for visa.

I will appreciate your reply.
