Documents for visa Revalidation in USA


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Do I need to send my H1B1 approval notice, if I am sending original I-94 ?

What are the additional documents that I need to send other than what is given ? I know the new form DS-157 has to be sent. I am asking this questin because I have seen some postings here that people are sending I-129 notirized copy. If there is some body who has done sent for revalidation recently and if they can give me the list of all the documnets, I will be thankful to them.
Form DS-156 & 157

I hadn\'t noticed this requirement of spelling the name of the month until now. Since, DS-156 is an editable form under Adobe Acrobat, I would print the DOB as both \'January 2, 19xx\' and \'01-02-19xx\' in the text area.

Just based on your name, I\'m assuming the applicant is a female. If that is true, then I do not believe that submission of DS-157 is required. I read somewhere that only males within a specific age range are required to file this form. Please verify.

-Palaniappan Rajaram