Do we need to report address change?

chinabee said:
After we get green card?

Of course. Check INA265 and & INA 266 out

Failure to report change of address is a deportable offense
even without a conviction per INA 266

Use AR-11 form to report move within 10 days.

A PR from Palestine was almost deported because of this.
He was stopped for speeding in North Carolia. The cop
found he had a map on which he marked many places
coincidently closesd to airports so the cop called FBI
Nothing was wrong but they found he did not report
the address change in the past. He was convicted
and INS set deportation procedure for him.
Later ajudge ordered not to deport him.

No one cared about reporting change of address before but
when this news came out INS has been receiving
floods of AR-11 everyday since the incident.

Mail Ar-11 thru certified mail so that you can have INS
receipt as proof
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