Do our kids qualify for QCI - Parents with Indian passport with children born in USA


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We have a daughter who was born here. She has US passport. While the rest of the family has Indian passport.

Can we apply for OCI for our daughter? Please do reply....
Children born outside India to Indian citizen parents DO NOT qualify for OCI. Atleast one of the parent must be a citizen of the foriegn country.
Children born outside India to Indian citizen parents DO NOT qualify for OCI. Atleast one of the parent must be a citizen of the foriegn country.

Why is that? Do the kids needs to lose USA citizenship, in case we parents (Indian citizens) wants to go back to India and settle there? With PIO card, we need to get it verified at some office every 6 months. :mad:
Why is that? Do the kids needs to lose USA citizenship, in case we parents (Indian citizens) wants to go back to India and settle there? With PIO card, we need to get it verified at some office every 6 months. :mad:

Good question! I have always wondered that myself.

Here is what the Consulate General of India New York website says:

Note : 7. Children born outside India and both parents are Indian passport holders are not eligible for OCI Cards.

The link is

In the past there have been instances where both parents being Indian citizens have applied for OCI for their children and OCI has been issued in those instances. The law was not very clear at that time. In the recent past the law has been enforced much more seriously and I know of atleast one person who applied for OCI for minor child and their application was returned by CGI, NY stating that both parents cannot be Indian citizens for the child to claim OCI.

Sounds ridiculous but it is true.
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