Do not have Bank Statements?


Registered Users (C)
Just learnt from Cannon's interview experience post that the consulate officer requires last three months bank statement during CP interview. I do not have any bank statements as I have enrolled in online banking. What should I do? Will a letter from the bank indicating the amount in savings and checking will be enough?

On a side note is there a minimum balance requirement fro GC? I do not have much bank balance. I have invested in Stocks, ofcourse with disastrous results?

Bank Stateemnts

1. Some banks will issue seperate bank stataments for immigration purpose. In BankOfAmerica , they have standard immigration statement ( which shows last 12 montsh deposit, balance, and monthly average.. etc) or custom immigration statement ( you can request in a format ). Get any of these , if available. That would be enough. This will cost from $10 to $30 , i guess.

2. If you have no monhtly statements, contact customer service of Bank, they will send you copy of monthly stataments for last few years. $5/- per monthly statement from bank of america. Check with your bank for the same.

Its not a must doc. I just sumitted 1 recent monthly statement from bank. Also your bank balance is not big issue, as long as you make enough to support your dependents.
as msns statements it not requirement but more of a supporting document. I plan to carry last 3 monthly statements. Internet printouts of your statements are acceptable as long as they have your name on that printout.

Apart from this plan to carry a letter from your bank stating checking and savings a/c balances and dates those accounts were opened and who is the primary and secondary holders (if any) of the account.