Do not be hypocrites


Registered Users (C)
To those who cry about Bush's new immigration law, please read this carefully. You are hypocrites. You came to America as visitors and you over-stayed your visa. This automatically makes you illegal aliens. You waited for years to get your green cards and so did the millions of undocumented aliens in this country. You paid taxes and so did they. You had more priviliges by being able to work legally in the USA even though you broke its law by overstaying in your visas. You were able to apply for high paid jobs that suited your education; whereas those undocumented aliens washed dishes and cleaned bathrooms despite getting advnaced degrees from their countries. Many of you are fakes who went back to their countries after getting their green cards. Look i am an asylee too and have to wait 7 more years to get my green card but I refuse to be a hypocrite like you!
....I can simply say asylees have been judged by a trained immigration officer..if they passed him..we have no right to say who is fake and who isn't..

I would also say that I have't and will NEVER Set foot on my home country ever...
....I can simply say asylums have been judged by a trained immigration officer..if they passed him..we have no right to say who is fake and who isn't..

Now this lines sounds very funny to me. INS officer said that my old country is very peaceful place.
IJ had no clue that at that time Clinton already give amnesty, hi (IJ) stated that I came in USA because economic situation. Right after that all world could see in TV the truth. USA bombed living ch*&t, in order to stop the hell that was going there.
Now INS officers, in INS courts don't even bother to read cases.
If I had asylum approved I would never give a damn for anything else, as long as I can stay here without problems.
I see most of you don't know how to appreciate what you got, your problem is to go back home, to visit same neighbors that you were running from them, you stated to INS that they tried to kill you, now you are missing them and you want to go and visit them. Keep quet and be happy who cares you are here now .
Try to forget ....if there is something to forget.

Most of you have no clue how lucky you are.

Agree with you fully that a grant of asylum by the United States is a very precious benefit and that regretably many who receive it do not actually appreciate that gift.

Originally posted by Care2much
....I can simply say asylums have been judged by a trained immigration officer..if they passed him..we have no right to say who is fake and who isn't..

Now this lines sounds very funny to me. INS officer said that my old country is very peaceful place.
IJ had no clue that at that time Clinton already give amnesty, hi (IJ) stated that I came in USA because economic situation. Right after that all world could see in TV the truth. USA bombed living ch*&t, in order to stop the hell that was going there.
Now INS officers, in INS courts don't even bother to read cases.
If I had asylum approved I would never give a damn for anything else, as long as I can stay here without problems.
I see most of you don't know how to appreciate what you got, your problem is to go back home, to visit same neighbors that you were running from them, you stated to INS that they tried to kill you, now you are missing them and you want to go and visit them. Keep quet and be happy who cares you are here now .
Try to forget ....if there is something to forget.

Most of you have no clue how lucky you are.

well put. The main reason you cannot make them believe you is people like wirelesssprint who lie without shame. These people are morons.

Originally posted by Care2much

your problem is to go back home, to visit same neighbors that you were running from them, you stated to INS that they tried to kill you, now you are missing them and you want to go and visit them. Keep quet and be happy who cares you are here now .
Try to forget ....if there is something to forget.

Most of you have no clue how lucky you are.


I for one know how fortunate I am to have won my Asylum case. The fact that I couldnt afford a lawyer plus all the free lawyers were somehow tied up in other cases, really made me sit and work on my own case.
I told the truth and defended it with every fiber in my body and I won. I'll never throw that away by going home or forgetting those turbulant 6 months. God Bless America.