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Did anybody receive IL or YL notice if
FP was completed after Oct 25th in the jurisdiction of Newark DO.

It is almost 6 weeks now and I could not find anyone.

Thanks & appreciated.
Hi NewJersey_Dude,
Thanks for your posting. It is informative.

I observed that Newark DO is one of the slowest to process N400 though they have reduced their backlog from 9500 (end of Sept 2009) to about 8500(end of Oct 2009) applications.
The week of Thanksgiving weekend in November was almost a complete holiday week. So I guess, we need to add 1 more week of delay.

Based on your posting, I guess we may expect IL or YL from Jan 1st week.

What do you think ?
talked to level 2 customer service

Hi in the meanwhile i talked to level-2 customer service person at uscis. She told me that for FP completed around 11/10, it will take approx a month to receive IL notice. Factors contributing to this delay are holiday/vacation season, and also there were many folks who applied in Aug/Sep who were stuck at name-check, they are in front of us in the queue. She also told me that Newark DO is one of the most busy ones for N400 interviews as compared to other DO in the country. (I love NJ, so I took that as a complement :) )

abcd1234567, wondering where did you get those numbers (8500 at the end of Oct 2009 etc) ? Thanks for info though.
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On the USCIS dashboard, choose Newark DO as the office and N400 as the form type. It then displays 2 graphs. On the second graph, it is the last block in the curve (customer apps pending) - 8324.

Link below.

Also, did you mean that we will receive IL/yL notice 1 month from today(12/18/09) ?
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Thanks for the link.
Actually I called on Thursday, which means from 17th Dec. Also she said that it will be at the most 1month for you to receive the letter, which tells me it can happen before 1 month too. just trying to be positive :)...
Thanks NewJersey_Dude.

You mentioned that you collected info about your friends N400 application for Newark DO office timeline(based on the earlier posting). Is there any possibility to post any of those timelines that you might be aware of your friends N400 application.
If it make you feel any better, I did the FP on Oct 24 and got he IL and the ID is Jan 12th. So it is moving along and there will be some delay due to holidays...