Do kids under 15 need to go for stamping

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Its my understanding that if the kid has there own passport then they need to go for stamping. They don\'t need to go as long as there name is endorsed in one of there parents passport. This is based on one of my friends experience. Check with your local office.
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Recently my I-485 application was approved together with my wife\'s and son\'s applications. In our (wife and I) approval letter we are asked to go to local INS office for passport stamping and completing the process of Alien Registration Card (Green Card). But in my son\'s approval letter nothing like that was mentioned and in addition it was said that his green card will be sent directly from Vermont.

It is my understanding that officially my son does not need to go for passport stamping. However, since he has his own passport, I took him with me and had his passport stamped. The main reason behind this is that if we need to go outside USA before we receive our Green Card, all of us will be covered. I agree with RFEWAITER that if your kid does not have his/her own passport, or even if has one but you are sure that you won\'t go outside USA before receiving the Green Card, then there is no need to take your kid with you for passport stamping. I think the main reason for staming our (adult\'s ) passport is to authorize us for work. Since there is no such thing for kid\'s, passport stamping is not that important for them. However, as I mentioned earlier, if you have any plan to travel outside USA before receiving the actual Green Card it is always advisable to have your kid\'s passport stamped too.

Hope this helps.
