Do I pay canadian tax if I turn down my PR within 183 days?


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I am close to getting US GC. My landing papers for canada are expiring in march. Due to bad USeconomy,as a worst-case backup, I have decided to land in canada and come back to USA immediately. But if I dont go back to canada after that and return the canadian GC within 183 days, do I end up paying canadian tax for this year OR since I stayed for less than 183 days, am I not subjected to canadian tax?
No tax if you did not start living in Canada

Landing alone is not enough to have to pay Canadian taxes. You only have to pay taxes from the date that you actually started living there.

You Land on Feb 1, 2002
You stay for a few days (presumably looking for an home)
You return to US on Feb 6, 2002

So far you have no tax liability

You move permanently to Canada on March 5, 2002 along with your family and your belongings.

Now your clock starts. Any income that you have after this date will be taxable in Canada.