Do husband and wife go to interview together?


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We (husband and wife) filed N-400s together, were fingerprinted together, and got our interview letters on the same day and for the same date and time. Will we be interviewed together? Any married couples went through the interview process recently? (Debating whether I should prepare 2 copies of all docs in case we will be called at the same time, but by different officers.)
vvrok said:
We (husband and wife) filed N-400s together, were fingerprinted together, and got our interview letters on the same day and for the same date and time. Will we be interviewed together? Any married couples went through the interview process recently? (Debating whether I should prepare 2 copies of all docs in case we will be called at the same time, but by different officers.)

Usually they ask you if you are together. I know in Garden City, husabnd and wife get interviewed from the same officer ( one after another). You should make TWO sets of docs incase you get interviewed separately.
Tnx. Any other experience? Is it a common practice to interview husband and wife one after another or is it more common when couples are interviewed simulteneously?
they don't interview two people at the same time. Only you and ur lawyer are allowed in the interview! Period, the officer told me that when i told her about my wife coming in with me. Specially if both of you getting naturalized, there is absolutely no need for both of you getting in together as that won't help, it could hinder the process instead.
good luck
vvrok said:
Tnx. Any other experience? Is it a common practice to interview husband and wife one after another or is it more common when couples are interviewed simulteneously?

Actually its your choice. When you handover the appointment letter, you have a chance to get interview with the same officer. I don't think so there is any set rule that you will be interviewed together. Go with your inner feelings. It does not make any difference.
Good luck!
hm11 said:
Actually its your choice. When you handover the appointment letter, you have a chance to get interview with the same officer.

When you say it's your choice, you mean we decide if we want to go in together or not? Anybody married here who had gone through the interview process recently? When we went to get interviewed for GC, both my wife and I were in the same room and were talking to an officer simulteneously. I don't know if the rules for N400 interviews are different, but I just want to know so that I can prepare my wife morally, in case she needs to go solo.
vvrok said:
When you say it's your choice, you mean we decide if we want to go in together or not? Anybody married here who had gone through the interview process recently? When we went to get interviewed for GC, both my wife and I were in the same room and were talking to an officer simulteneously. I don't know if the rules for N400 interviews are different, but I just want to know so that I can prepare my wife morally, in case she needs to go solo.

They will not interview you togther in ONE room. Both of you will go separately but it is possible to see the same officer.
You can hand over your appointment letter separately in case you want to be interviewed by different officer. Thats what I meant by choice. Your wife will be interviewed separately and she needs to answer the questions on N-400, history and english.