Divorce and no permanent green card yet!


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ok so here is the story...So last year my wife left me for another girl we were married for 3 years.. We had our interview under the DORA program in dallas, everything went ok..and ever since I haven't hear anything other then 2 weeks ago I got a latter from INS saying that they needed a copy of my wife birth certificate..so lucky me I had her original so I made copys and went and drop off the copys just like they asked me to..
So our divorce is finale now I just got the papers last week..
-So now what's is going to happened how immigration knows if we got divorce?
I did love my wife but she is the one that change me for another girl and be gay..
-My other question is that it seem that immigration is looking into my case right now, Do I have any potability that I can still get my green card in the mail by an error of INS?
-I hear today in the news that the FBI is going to clear all the pending names for people waiting on permanent green cards and citizen ship..I think this may help me..what you guys think?
It will be nice if I can stay for another 10 years..
that I'm divorce now..and what I hear on the news about pending name checks..I think that maybe my possibilitys are a lil higher now..
that I'm divorce now..and what I hear on the news about pending name checks..I think that maybe my possibilitys are a lil higher now..
Are you stuck in namecheck? did you ever receive a GC?

Since your divorce is finalized, so would be your chances of a GC, if you do not have one already.
no I didn't get my permanent green card..
now my next question now is..
-How immigration knows if I'm divorce ??do they have any kind of system to check on that? or is just if they diced to make an investigation that's only when they can find out?I'm kinda confuse about this..honestly I don't care if I go or stay at this point it is what it is and oh well I have to deal with it..I just want some answers..that's all..if some one can answer those questions I will leave you guys alone.
Thank you!
USCIS has checked the "Court records" including those of divorce, before... so they may do yours too... but most important, if you attempt to receive a green card based on a marriage that was terminated, that would be a fraud, whether USCIS finds out about it or not.

It will always linger over your head and sooner or later, it will be revoked, along with any benefits that you or other people may have obtained from it. Even if you later on become an US Citizen, because you did so through fraud.

It is time to pack bags and go back home.
I do have my bags ready for when I get the letter from immigration..but until then I will be still here and if I get the green card believe me that I will used it and stay the longest I can cuz I didn't do anything bad and if they think it was a fraud then they can think that but the story could it be different if the process was a little bit faster..I just living life here like it was the last one..making the most out of the bad times..my life is here I grow up here.. all my friends are here, even I have friends that say they will married me just so I can stay but for me that goes against my principles..
Anyways thankx for the answers and I really hope that one day they can change the laws to make this game fair cuz there is many people like me where we didn't do anything bad we are the victims and we still have to go and leave everything behind plus with your self esteem low and your head down..but oh well life is a bitch isn't
USCIS has checked the "Court records" including those of divorce, before... so they may do yours too... but most important, if you attempt to receive a green card based on a marriage that was terminated, that would be a fraud, whether USCIS finds out about it or not.

It will always linger over your head and sooner or later, it will be revoked, along with any benefits that you or other people may have obtained from it. Even if you later on become an US Citizen, because you did so through fraud.

It is time to pack bags and go back home.

Pack bags and go home? Why would he have to leave if he entered in marriage in good faith? Did he get conditional PR?? As long as he married in good faith, and he has divorce papers he should be ok...:confused:
If the OP NEVER received a GC, Conditional or Permanent. And has divorced. There is NO WAY, for him to get a GC through the terminated marriage, even if it was entered in good faith... except for perhaps the I-360...