DIGS, Try to contact your local senator or congressman.


Registered Users (C)
Though I have not see my approval yet, but my attorny told me that congressional query is the only way to move it forward.
yuren said:
Though I have not see my approval yet, but my attorny told me that congressional query is the only way to move it forward.
I strongly believe that you should do that. That NSC date upadation sucks the processing time for 140 and 485 has difference of 1 month. I really dont know why they are not updating the processing times so that you can directly contact those guys. My 2 cents.
Hi Yuren & Kriskish,

Thanks for your concern. I talked with my Attorney and he is going to file a written query with NSC, hopefully early next week. By the end of this month, I'm also filing for my first EAD & AP for self & family.

As about talking to local Congressman, my employer is not going to support so I will probably do that next. Just to mention, there is another 140 application on my same RD which is also untouched so far. Wonder if the particular box of applications for that date is lost.

Losing patience.

EB3, India
RD Apr04
140 ??
DIGS said:
Hi Yuren & Kriskish,

Thanks for your concern. I talked with my Attorney and he is going to file a written query with NSC, hopefully early next week. By the end of this month, I'm also filing for my first EAD & AP for self & family.

As about talking to local Congressman, my employer is not going to support so I will probably do that next. Just to mention, there is another 140 application on my same RD which is also untouched so far. Wonder if the particular box of applications for that date is lost.

Losing patience.

EB3, India
RD Apr04
140 ??
For GOD sake donot loose patience. If you have other options in place then leave this 140 otherwise hold little tight. I will pray for your application be touched. You know I was in very very terrible situation than yours. YOU are the ones who always supported me. So please hold tight. I am damn sure you will get the fruitful news. YOU WILL GET IT MAN. JUST few days then fine.
GOD IS THERE and HE PROVED IN MY CASE. If you see I am one of the only few got approvals with 3 year degree.

Thanks for your prayers and the words of wisdom. For now, I may be weak on luck, but fortunately, I'm strong on will and that should take me through this longer tunnel.

I feel sad to know that we still have applicants like bmt74, sanju_y, bluemoon and a few others who have no clue of their cases. In my case, atleast the processing date is still not officially lapsed.

Well, talking about processing dates, the latest update from each centers show only NSC stuck at Dec.2003, while all others are at March & April, 2005. Are the concerned Authorities sleeping with their eyes wide open ? This is scenario is for several months now. I have also requested my Attorney to initiate enquiry into such differences. I dont know if he is going to do anything.

Maybe by this month end, I might write to the Congressmen in charge of Immigration.

DIGS said:
Well, talking about processing dates, the latest update from each centers show only NSC stuck at Dec.2003, while all others are at March & April, 2005. Are the concerned Authorities sleeping with their eyes wide open ? This is scenario is for several months now. I have also requested my Attorney to initiate enquiry into such differences. I dont know if he is going to do anything.

Maybe by this month end, I might write to the Congressmen in charge of Immigration.


A couple of ideas to suggest to the congressman, in case you do contact him:
1) It is ridiculous that USCIS issues APs and EADs that are valid just for 1 year. The average time it is taking for the I-485 stage is more than 2 years. Why can't USCIS issue the above mentioned for 2 or 3 years or indefinitely i.e until the approval or denial of I-485. Its in USCIS interest that they reduce the number of applications being filed. For each GC application filed with USCIS, they receive multiple AP and EAD applications. All the additional applications have to be processed. This takes time and resources. This directly affects the actual I-485/I-140 applications' processing time.
2) The same could be said about the fingerprinting. By making these valid for only 1 year to 1 1/2 years, the application process gets delayed further.
3) Yearly extension of H1 visa beyond six years is also very expensive to the individual/company and ties up USCIS resources. This should be valid until the I-485 has been either approved or denied.
4) The above scenarios not result in delay in process, but cause the applicant and USCIS to spend more money.
5) Assuming USCIS is reluctant to lose the revenue from multiple EAD/AP applications, they can give the applicants the option to choose from the current yearly option or choose an option where the applicant will have to apply only once, with the second option's fee being considerably higher. With these options, the applicant will have to option to either pay a one time higher fee or multiple lower fees. USCIS will not have to lose revenue. Instead of having the current status-quo, atleast USCIS will have the option to reduce the number of applications and that as we know is the key to the whole backlog reduction.

If USCIS decides to issue only one EAD/AP with a validity of more than 1 year, the number of GC related applications (I-140 and I-485) can be reduced by almost 30%. I'm not pulling these numbers out of my hat. Here's the analysis behind it:
GC process consists (generally) of 4 applications:
I-485 (Adjustment of Status)
I-131(Advance Parole)
I-765(Employment Authorization)
Total: 4
Based on the fact that I-485 is taking atleast 2 years(if you are lucky). We can expect additonal applications for I-131 and I-765
The new total is now 6 applications.

So for each GC application, USCIS has to process 6 applications at this time. This is likely to increase considering the retrogression.
So if we take an average of 6 applications per GC we get:
% in reduction = 2/6 * 100 = 33.33%

Bear with me please. I'm explaining this is to you as you might have to explain it to a congressman.

Correct me if I'm wrong with either my math or my logic.

Members of this forum, please consider any new ideas or corrections to mine. Like Benjamin Franlin said.."We must all hang together or most assuredly we will hang separately".

Contrary to the general belief that we temporary workers are cheap labor, I do believe that we are smart and intelligent enough(atleast I can vouch for myself ;) ) to come up with even more innovative ideas.

Let the debating begin
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Thanks for your inputs which are valid from our point of view. Unfortunately, it doesnt hold validity from the lesser intelligent lot. For them, it is more of Politics and Pelf. More the applications, more the power and the money. They tend to make more noise about backlog reduction than actually working on it.

As I was not in need of EAD & AP until end of this year, I did not apply originally with my concurrent 140/485 in Apr04. I dont know if that savings on my part has anything to do with my 140 application being sidelined. Anyway, with my growing restlessness, I'm after my Attorney to puruse what he is paid for (solely from my pocket) and soon write letters or email to Congressmen (local & Immigration incharge) and to AILA for checking this alarming discrepancy in processing dates for 140 at NSC and other Centers. I will certainly incorporate the concerns / suggestions listed by you. As a matter of fact, I was wondering would it make more impact to have some correspondences initiated collectively or even individually at the same time.

Thanks again.


I was about to suggest the same to contact the local congressmen as my I-140 recd. date and yours are pretty much the same. My case got picked up after I contacted the local congressmen's office. Looks like they have access to the whole different status other than what the CIS customer rep. guys have. It took about 2 months for an response from the senator's office. So, you may need to initiate a contact now that may trigger the case to be touched.

Good Luck.

Thanks Mahesh,

I'm close to sending a letter to the local Senator. However, wonder if it makes more impact if the request comes from the employer, rather than from someone like us, who would not have any voting rights in the near future. Appreciate for any inputs as it can be accordingly sent as the first thing on monday morning. Also, if anyone has any knowledge whether the Senators' office prefer replying by postal mail or email.

I'm following up with my Attorney too for past 2 weeks and his enquiry has not been sent yet.

Thanks again.

Hi Digs,

I contacted the senator's office using their online contact form where I provided my contact information and said my I-140 has been pending for more than an year and I am seeking help to know the status on the case. I gave them my LIN case numbers (both I-140 and 485). They responded to me by email and said they have been approving cases filed in april. That was the update I got from them and in a month, my case was touched.

I also had my attorney contact the CIS to check on the status as well.

If the employer is co-operative and will forward any response they get from the senator's office, you may want to contact the senator's office through the employer else you can just use the online contact form from www.house.gov from which I guess you can select the state and the respective contact link will appear.

Good Luck.
