Did you read the news about INS yesterday? Not a joke!


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Did you read the news yesterday?
This is not a joke!
6 months after Sep. 11 attack, the student visa of 2 terroists are granted and sent to the school! Those are B1 transfer to F1 cases.
The president of US are not happy about this and urgent to reform the INS!

What do you think?

Here\'s more:
President `stunned\' by terrorists\' visas
Forms delivered 6 months after attacks

Associated Press
WASHINGTON -- President Bush said Wednesday he was "plenty hot" to learn that student visas for two Sept. 11 hijackers were delivered months after they flew planes into the World Trade Center.

He ordered his attorney general to investigate and urged reform of the Immigration and Naturalization Service.

Bush called the matter "a wake-up call for those who run the INS," but said the agency has antiquated information systems and needs an upgrade. "They got the message and, hopefully, they\'ll reform as quickly as possible," Bush said.

The president said he was "stunned, and not happy" when he learned that no one intercepted the visas for Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi before they arrived at a Florida flight school on Monday.

"Let me put it another way: I was plenty hot," Bush said at a White House news conference.

Maybe a good news for us waiting for messed up TSC. Hopefully, the reform will make TSC more efficient.
Could be a bad news for us who seeking GC. It could end up with more checkings and even longer waiting.

Yet another proof that INS is useless

INS, especially TSC, is a useless agency incapable of performing any of its set missions. The level of "non-service" gets worse with every additional dollar of funding they get. Changing organization charts, or as they call it - RESTRUCTURING, will not change this well-known fact.

In my opinion, the only way out is to say ENOUGH, close down the agency, lay off ALL its current staff and build a new agency from the ground up. And use lots of outsourcing from the private sector in the process.

My $.02 worth.