Did not ask AP & EID when PP stamped, Is this OK?


Registered Users (C)
When I went for stamping yesterday, the Immigration officer took my I-94 and stamped on my passport, he did not collect AP's and EID's. Is this OK? I was under the impression that they should collect all AP's and EID's. How this will effect the "Plastic Card"? Your reply will be appreciated.

I guess it is ok, this will not affect your GC Plastic Card.
I am not sure abt ur other plastic Cards(Credit/Debit) :D

My friend did not give his EAD and AP at the time of Stampping, but he got his Plastic Card(GC) without any problem. I am sure you should have submitted a fresh set of photo's for u and ur dependent at the time of stampping.
Where did u do ur passport stampping. I mean in which city. Did u take any infopass appointment for ur pp Stampping.