Did early FP today


Registered Users (C)
I received my FP notice Oct 5th, scheduled for Nov 18th. I went today and did FP anyway, no questions asked. Hope to see some progress soon.

ND: May 9 2002
FP: Oct 20 2004
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Which ASC you went

I recieved a notice to appear on Nov 16th and went to Fort Worth ASC and they refused. Which center you went and what did you say when you reached there. My 485 ND is April 8th 2002.

I went to Fort Worth ASC. I arrived at 8am, there was no line, and no question asked when I got there, the clarks were very nice. They took my FP and appointment letter, and give me a survay form to fill up and drop in the survay box.
A friend told me that they will take FP if the date is within 30 days of the appointment date.