Details: CP Success on 27 Dec 2001 @ Mumbai


Registered Users (C)
CP Success at Mumbai on 27 December 2001


Labor Application: 07 Sep 2000
Labor Approval: Feb 2001
I-140 Application: Mar 2001
I-140 Approval: 07 Sep 2001
I-824 Application: July 2001
I-824 Approval: 07 Sep 2001
Packet 3 Reached Mumbai Consulate: 05 Oct 2001
IV Case Number Assigned: 10 Oct 2001
IV Interview Date: 27 Dec 2001
Re-entered US: 30 Dec 2001.

Document Preparation:

I followed tips posted by many earlier successful C.P. candidates.

1) Main CP Folder - This contained the documents, which would be required. I had three separate clipped sets of documents:

* My Set
a) Interview Appointment Letter
b) Passport (original)
c) Police Certificate (foreign country)
d) Photographs (3)
e) DS 230 Part 1
f) DS 230 Part 2
g) Employment Letter (original - notorized)
h) Marriage Certificate (copy)
i) Birth Certificate:
(1) Non-Availability Certificate (copy)
(2) Std X passing certificate (copy)
(3) Affidavits (copies)
j) IRS 9003 (original - 1 page)
k) Medical Report (sealed)
l) X-ray (sealed)
m) Application Fee receipt (at consulate)

* Wife\'s Set
a) Passport
b) Photographs
c) DS 230 Part 1
d) DS 230 Part 2
e) IRS 9003
f) I-134 Affidavit of Support (original - notorized)
g) Birth Certificate
h) Marriage Certificate
i) Wife\'s Employment Letter (copy)
j) Medical Report (sealed)
k) X-ray (sealed)

* Son\'s Set
a) Passport
b) Photographs
c) DS 230 Part 1
d) DS 230 Part 2
e) IRS 9003
f) I-134 Affidavit of Support (original - notorized)
g) Birth Certificate
h) Medical Report (sealed)

2) Folder (Originals for Verification) - In this folder, I kept originals of all documents contained in the Main CP Folder, for verification by consulate officer.
3) Other Folders - Containing Other Original documents, IRS, INS, Financial, Residence proof, Paystubs etc..

NOTE: The Other Folders were not required during the interview.

Went to My Own Studio for the photographs. Charged Rs. 150.00 for each set. Picked them up next morning. Delivered as promised. The photographs were accepted at the consulate, no questions asked.

There is a facility at the consulate to take pictures…

Medical Examination:
We had our appointment for the medical examination at Hinduja Hospital on 12 December 2001 @ 7:00am.

Reached the hospital (old building) at around 7:10am.

Carry the following with you:
? Passport Photographs (2)
? Copy of issuing pages of passports
? Immunization Records (if any)
? Blood Test Records (for MMR) (if any)
? Interview Appointment Letter (copy)

Filled up the registration forms and paid the fees (in cash) at the Reception (Rs. 1700 for adults and Rs. 1000 for kids).

Directed to go to the 3rd floor. There were other Visa Applicants waiting too.

Asked to wait for 5 minutes, before a nurse came and collected the documents. She was very polite and apologized for making us wait.

Taken to a room for height, weight & blood pressure measurements.

Asked to wait for another 5 minutes.

Since my wife was immune to MMR (blood test report), she didn\'t have to take the shot. I was not so lucky. Was taken into another room where I got a shot in each arm (MMR and Tetanus). Tip: Make sure that your arm is relaxed otherwise it really hurts. I got a fever for a couple of days after the MMR shot.

Then was taken to a third room for blood collection.

We were all asked to wait for a while, before going for the X-rays. Told to return at 3pm for physical checkup and report collection.

After that, all the applicants were led to the new building (via the connecting bridge) for the chest X-rays.

As luck would have it, we were the first to be called for the X-rays.

Were out of the hospital at 8:30am.

Returned at 3pm to the 1st floor. Had to wait about 10 minutes before being called for the Physical Examination.

Called one at a time for the physical exam. Routine questions… Have you had TB? Any other diseases? Answered No to a
AAAK - Whats the Purchase Agreement

with reference to your encasing Traveller\'s Check at Standard Chartered. Thanks again...

The counterfoil (with the TC serial numbers) that you get when you buy the travelers checks... I guess the bank wants to be sure that the TCs are not stolen...

Good Luck...
Interview Question - Place of Work

Is your place of work same as the one mentioned in your labor certification? Do you think the immigration officer was trying to verify that or was it just a general question? I ask that because a lot of folks in consulting business have their parent company in one location and may be working at a client site in a different location. Do you think that could be a potential problem?

Is your place of work same as the one mentioned in your labor certification?
==> NO. I work for a consulting company head quartered in Chicago. My current project is in New York.

Do you think the immigration officer was trying to verify that or was it just a general question?
==> Hard to say. He was probably verifying the information, but asked it very casually. He probably asked me the question because my company letterhead had addresses for both it\'s offices in the US (Chicago & Philadelphia).

I ask that because a lot of folks in consulting business have their parent company in one location and may be working at a client site in a different location. Do you think that could be a potential problem?
==> It shouldn\'t be a problem. I told the Consular Officer that I work for the Chicago office. He didn\'t ask any more details. I had thought that the discrepancy in the locations may be a problem, so I had carried a copy of the LCA for New York (it was never asked for). I suggest you too carry a copy or original LCA for your project location (to be on the safe side).

Good Luck...